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Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson testifies in Springfield in favor of tougher sentences for repeat gun offenders. But will his proposed changes actually make the city safer?
Even as Illinois staggers on, rudderless without a budget, Gov. Bruce Rauner was faced Wednesday with laying out a fiscal path forward. Read the governor’s address, annotated.
Portions of the so-called “grand bargain” passed the Illinois Senate on Wednesday afternoon, but what’s been touted as a bipartisan deal received no Republican support. Is the whole package on the skids?
After hours discussing the grand bargain budget behind closed doors, the state Senate goes home without voting. A look at how the deal is changing.
Michael Madigan wins an unprecedented 17th term as Illinois House Speaker, and the Republican Party is already undermining its own calls for bipartisanship.  
Illinois’ 99th General Assembly has wrapped up for good, without ever having passed a complete state budget. 
The budget standoff is not over as the General Assembly’s fall session draws nearer to a close and to a possible doomsday scenario.
The so-called Future Energy Jobs Bill would bail out two struggling nuclear plants. Critics say it would amount to the largest rate hike in U.S. history.
Legislative leaders meet on the budget while the Illinois Senate overrides the governor’s veto of the motor voter registration bill. Amanda Vinicky has details from Springfield.
Republican and Democratic state leaders are not seeing eye to eye after a meeting in Springfield. Amanda Vinicky joins us with the latest from the state capitol.
House Speaker Michael Madigan cancels a meeting with Gov. Bruce Rauner. Is Springfield back to business as usual as lawmakers get set for the fall veto session?
Despite massive amounts of campaign contributions that poured into state House and Senate races this year, Republicans don’t appear to have significantly shifted the balance of power in the Illinois General Assembly. 
Races for the Illinois General Assembly and the battle for state comptroller are seen as part of the larger power struggle between House Speaker Michael Madigan and Gov. Bruce Rauner. 
For the first time in a year, there is a state budget, albeit a temporary one. There is also relief for Chicago Public Schools, but with some caveats. Springfield reporter Amanda Vinicky joins us with the latest.
A day of special session for the Illinois House and Senate ended with no significant action on a budget agreement. Amanda Vinicky shares details of what’s been happening behind the scenes.
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner blasts Democrats for failing to pass a budget before the end of the spring legislative session. Where does Illinois go from here?

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