Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review: 5/16

On this edition of Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review with Joel Weisman, a string of bad publicity plagues Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The courts put the brakes on Illinois’ new pension law. An overheated bathroom fan in Elgin wreaks havoc on air travel nationwide. A lawsuit involving the private-equity firm co-founded by Bruce Rauner becoming a campaign liability. And the Blackhawks return to the Conference Finals in thrilling fashion. 

-Tom Corfman of Crain’s Chicago Business
-Kristen McQueary of the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board
-Dan McGrath of the Chicago Sun-Times

Watch our panel’s web-exclusive conversation in Web Extra: The Week in Review: 5/16.

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Here is a roundup of Chicago Tonight's web stories from this week:

Monday, May 12:
-Viewer Feedback 5/12
-James 'Big Cat' Williams Talks NFL Draft
-New $14.5M Farm Purchase Raises Eyebrows
-Durbin Proposal Tackles Student Loans
-Karen Lewis Weighs In on Rahm's Re-election, More

Tuesday, May 13:
-Diners Discuss Chicago's Future
-Cats and Rodent Control
-Classic Chinese Fable Comes to Life
-Extending Prescription Privileges
-Radar Site Smoke Halts O’Hare, Midway Flights
-This 'Henry' is Unexpectedly Hilarious
-Web Extra: On The Table with Brandis Friedman
-Web Extra: On The Table with Eddie Arruza
-Web Extra: On The Table with Elizabeth Brackett

Wednesday, May 14:
-Local James Beard Award Winners
-Stevenson Farm Named Historic Landmark
-Springfield News with Dave McKinney
-CPS Principal Speaks Out, Gains Support
-Preckwinkle Pension Plan Near Done

Thursday, May 15:
Migratory Birds in Flight
Divvy Supplier Bankruptcy Slows Expansion
Keys to Blackhawks Cup Repeat
Adler President Michelle Larson Visits
Attorney General Madigan Defends Pension Law

Friday, May 16:
-Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review: 5/16
-Web Extra: The Week in Review: 5/16
-Weekend Events Around Town: 5/16 - 5/18

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