Stories by paris schutz

New City Council Brings New Effort at Reform

The newly seated City Council takes another stab at reform as aldermen select someone to lead the new independent budget office. Paris Schutz has the details on that and more on the heated relocation of Riot Fest.

Moody’s Official on City’s Credit Downgrade

Just why did the city's bond rating get downgraded to junk status by one ratings agency? A Moody's official speaks out. Paris Schutz has the details.

Mayoral and Aldermanic Inauguration

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, 50 aldermen, including 13 newcomers, and citywide elected officials are sworn into office at the Chicago Theater. Paris Schutz has the details on today’s ceremony.

Moody’s Issues a Warning Against Illinois

Moody’s Investors Service has issued a “credit negative” warning against the state in light of last Friday’s State Supreme Court ruling rejecting changes to public pensions. It’s a somewhat tepid response to the ruling, relative to the double ratings drop Moody’s applied to city of Chicago’s credit, resulting in junk bond status. In today’s report, Moody’s says the reforms could have reduced the unfunded pension liability by about $21 billion. 

Valerie Jarrett on the Obama Presidential Library

President Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett sounds off on what it took for Chicago to land the Obama Presidential Library and Foundation. Paris Schutz has the details. 

South Side to Host Obama Presidential Library

After months of speculation, the Barack Obama Foundation officially announces the library is coming to the South Side of Chicago. But when and where will it be located exactly? Paris Schutz has the details. 

What’s the Next Path for Pension Reform?

In the wake of the Illinois Supreme Court’s pension ruling, we analyze the options on a way forward for Illinois and Chicago.

IL Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Pension Reform Law Unconstitutional

The Illinois Supreme Court has struck down the state's landmark 2013 pension reform law, upholding a lower court ruling that it violated the state constitution. In the ruling, the court rejected the state's defense that its contractual obligations were not absolute, because it reserved "emergency powers" in a time of crisis.

Changing Landscape of Cook County Jail

There’s good and bad news for Cook County's troubled jail system. Paris Schutz has more on the changing landscape of the Cook County criminal justice system amid some political hardball between top county officials. What progress is being made?

Rauner Pitches Turnaround Agenda to City Council

Gov. Bruce Rauner takes his controversial right-to-work agenda to Chicago's City Council. Paris Schutz has the latest.

One-on-One with Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich

Archbishop Blase Cupich talks about the state of the Catholic Church, finances, schools, and what his role is in lobbying lawmakers and Gov. Bruce Rauner for social services funding. 

Chicago Casino Hearings

New hearings on a possible Chicago casino are underway today. Is the mayor's wish for a casino to fund pensions finally close to coming true? Paris Schutz has the latest.

Gov. Rauner on Turnaround Agenda

The governor gave a speech today he’s given many times, calling for lawmakers to pass his "turnaround agenda" that includes local right-to-work zones.

NFL Draft Kicks Off in Chicago

The new, supersized NFL Draft gets underway in Chicago this evening. Just what does it mean for the city? Paris Schutz has the latest.

Mayor Addresses City’s Financial Crisis

Mayor Rahm Emanuel lays out a plan to rescue the city’s financial and debt crisis. Paris Schutz explains why that could cost taxpayers hundreds of millions more in the short term.

New Push for Redistricting Reform

There’s a renewed push for redistricting reform in Illinois. Independent Maps, a nonpartisan statewide coalition, is starting a campaign for a constitutional amendment creating a non-partisan independent commission responsible for drawing Illinois General Assembly districts. Paris Schutz has the latest on the coalition’s efforts.

Mayors Rally Against Rauner’s Budget Cuts

Is Gov. Bruce Rauner balancing the budget on the backs of Illinois towns and municipalities? Dozens of Illinois mayors have come together to fight the governor’s proposal. Paris Schutz has the details.

Cardinal George’s Last Word

A New Book Titled “A Godly Humanism”

One of the most memorable quotes in Seattle Archbishop J. Peter Sartain’s homily at the funeral of his good friend and mentor, Cardinal Francis George, came from George himself. “The only thing we take with us when we die is what we have given away,” Sartain said, quoting the Cardinal who had spoken to him about the nature of death. Given this core belief, it is no surprise that George spent much of his final weeks, and even his final hours, fine-tuning the manuscript for a forthcoming book of personal essays called A Godly Humanism. 

Farewell to Cardinal Francis George

Dignitaries, leaders, and members of the Catholic Church came together at Holy Name Cathedral for a final goodbye to Cardinal Francis George. Paris Schutz has a full recap of today's funeral service. 

Aftermath of Rekia Boyd Verdict

On Monday, a Cook County judge acquitted Chicago Police Detective Dante Servin for the fatal off-duty shooting of Rekia Boyd in March 2012. We discuss the fallout from that court ruling.

Cook County Overhauls Drug Policy

Low-level drug offenders will no longer be prosecuted in Cook County. Instead, they'll be sent to treatment. Paris Schutz has more on a major shift in drug policy.

CPS Under Federal Investigation

Chicago Public Schools is under federal investigation, school board officials confirm. We have the latest details.

Cullerton Reacts to Rauner’s Budget Deal Projections

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton reacts to Gov. Bruce Rauner's rosy projections for a budget deal. We have the details.

One-on-One with Gov. Bruce Rauner

Gov. Bruce Rauner has proposed big cuts to try and close a $6 billion budget gap, all the while traveling the state promoting a right-to-work agenda. We go one-on-one with the governor about his many controversial proposals in his first Chicago Tonight interview since the election.

Impact of Close City Council Races

Some key City Council races are still too close to call. Could it be bad news for Mayor Rahm Emanuel? We have the details.

Mayor Emanuel Faces Second Term

Rahm Emanuel faces his second term as Chicago mayor, but are the days of rubber stamp City Council over? We have the details.