The Week in Review: Layoffs Hit After Pop Tax Fizzles

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart and County Board President Toni Preckwinkle spar over layoffs after a beverage tax is held up in court. Disarray in Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office after huge staff departures and controversial new hires. The city of Chicago settles a class-action suit over red light and speed cameras to the tune of $38.75 million.

The new Chicago Sun-Times owner promises a firewall between the newsroom and new investors. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is released from prison, but still faces civil suits and sex offender treatment.

The post-All Star break Cubs finally show some life with a big winning streak, while the trade-happy White Sox have lost six in a row.

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Jen Sabella, DNAInfo Chicago
Dave McKinney, Reuters
Laura Washington, Chicago Sun-Times and ABC 7 News
Melissa Isaacson

The conversation continues in our web-extra video. This week, Weisman and guests discuss O.J. Simpson’s parole, as well as lower bonds for nonviolent defendants in Cook County Court.

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