Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review: 10/26

On this edition of Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review with Joel Weisman, President Obama in town to vote early after his strong debate showing. Area congressional races between (R) Joe Walsh and (D) Tammy Duckworth, (R) Bob Dold and (D) Brad Schneider, and (R) Judy Biggert and (D) Bill Foster get down, dirty and personal. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. pleads for patience in a robo-call, then heads back to the Mayo clinic. Chicago Aldermen grill Police Superintendent McCarthy on high murder rate and need for more cops. The Florida Marlins wave bye-bye to Ozzie Guillen. NFC Defensive Player of the Week Charles Tillman, and the ferocious Chicago Bears “D” get ready to face lowly Carolina.

-Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times
-Bruce Dold, Chicago Tribune
-Natasha Korecki, Chicago Sun-Times
-Fred Mitchell, Chicago Tribune

Watch our panel's web-exclusive conversation in Web Extra: The Week in Review: 10/26.

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Here is a roundup of Chicago Tonight‘s web stories from this week:

Monday, October 22:
-2012 Election Preview

-Early Voting Locations

-Springfield Elections

-Part-Time Work, Full-Time Health & Benefits?

-Poetry Magazine Turns 100 Years Old

-Maharaja: The Splendor of India's Royal Courts

-Ask Geoffrey: 10/22

-Remembering George McGovern

-Viewer Mail:
8th District Congressional Forum
-Elizabeth Brackett Wins World Triathlon Championship -- Again!

-Walsh's Abortion Comments Garner National Attention

Tuesday, October 23:
-Web Extra: Post-Forum Press Conference
10th District
-10th District Congressional Forum

-10th District Cheat Sheet

-Final Presidential Debate Analysis

-"Big Cat" Williams on Bears vs. Lions

Wednesday, October 24:
-Web Extra: Post-Forum Press Conference
11th District
-11th District Congressional Forum

-11th District Cheat Sheet

-Chicago Business News: 10/24
-The Future of Prentice Hospital

-Instructing Animals

Thursday, October 25:
-Aldermen on the City Budget

-Ballot Referenda

-Kevin Coval on Chief Keef

-International Baccalaureate Program

-New Field Museum President

-Viewer Mail:
Congressional Candidate Forums

 Friday, October 26:
-Weekend Events Around Town: 10/26 – 10/28

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