candidate free time
Candidate statement: "I am a strong community-based advocate who works very hard to improve the lives of Chicago residents. I'm experienced and dedicated to public service. And that's why I am seeking election as the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County."
Candidate's vision for this office: "To provide fair and impartial hearings in a timely, professional and cost efficient manner for taxpayers who are contesting their property tax assessment."
Candidate statement: "Transforming the MWRD into a resource recovery agency will both improve our environment and improve the District’s financial footing, providing the citizens of Cook County with its essential services in a more cost-effective way."
Candidate statement: "My vision is a Circuit Court Clerk’s office that operates the court system effectively and efficiently so the focus is on justice instead of bureaucracy."
Candidate Statement: "I will work to make sure that Cook County has the best infrastructure possible within the fiscal realties of the district."
Candidate statement: "Nothing could be more important than protecting our natural resources for future generations."
Candidate Statment: "As we see from what is happening in Flint, Michigan, protecting our water is essential for all of us."
Candidate Statement: "The most pressing issue facing the MWRD is to continue to protect the quality of our water and to continue to handle issues related to stormwater management."
Candidate statement: "I envision the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District taking the lead role in areas such as renewable energy, disinfection of our local waterways, and being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of Cook County."
Candidate statement: "My vision for this office is to first eliminate the Security Detail and refund all of the money spent on this to the Cook County Coffers. I will accept only a CTA Pass, Metra Pass and gasoline allowance for my personal vehicle only when traveling from courthouse to courthouse."
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.
In an effort to better inform voters about the candidates running for Mayor of Chicago, WTTW offered all five of the candidates free air time to address our audience directly. Candidate Free Time is an unedited two minutes of air time to give viewers a concise, unfiltered look at where the candidates stand.