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State lawmakers want to make it easier for students to skip the PARCC test by introducing a new bill to opt out of standardized testing.
The Illinois Senate passed special election bill HB4576 by 37-15. See how members voted in our interactive graphic.
The Illinois House passed special election bill HB4576 by 66-40. See how members voted in our interactive graphic.
It's a victory for Mayor Rahm Emanuel as Chicago pension reform passes the Illinois General Assembly and heads to Gov. Pat Quinn for approval. Paris Schutz has the very latest details. View our interactive vote graphics to see how House and Senate members voted on the bill.
The Illinois Senate passes Mayor Rahm Emanuel's pension reform bill. View our interactive graphic to see how Senate members voted.
The Illinois House passed Mayor Rahm Emanuel's revised pension reform bill today in Springfield. View an interactive vote graphic to see how House members voted.
Gov. Pat Quinn has thrown a big wrench into efforts to save part of the city's pension mess. Today, the governor said no to Mayor Rahm Emanuel's proposal to raise property taxes as part of a pension fix. But could a late-breaking development salvage a deal in Springfield to avert a fiscal crisis? Paris Schutz has the details. Read an article and Emanuel's new pension amendment.
The prospects of passing Mayor Rahm Emanuel's pension reform bill in Springfield this week are getting dimmer. We have the latest details from Chicago Sun-Times Springfield Bureau Chief Dave McKinney.
Now that Gov. Pat Quinn has signed the bill to fix Illinois' underfunded pension system, will it be found unconstitutional? Carol Marin and her panel of experts explore the issue.
Gov. Pat Quinn signed marriage equality into law before a crowd of thousands. Paris Schutz has the details.
A bill introduced in Congress today would expand access to high-quality preschool for 4-year-old children from low and moderate income families. Read a summary of the bill and a fact sheet.
Gov. Pat Quinn makes big changes to the concealed carry bill. Read more about the changes.
Sources tell Chicago Tonight that a long-awaited deal on a gaming bill was reached last month -- until a clerical misunderstanding killed it. Paris Schutz has details, and what it says about the current state of dysfunction in Springfield.
The Illinois House approves a concealed carry compromise deal by 89-28. The bill was approved earlier in the day by the Senate, and now goes to Gov. Pat Quinn's desk. See how House members voted in our interactive graphic.
The Illinois Senate passes a concealed carry bill by 45-12-1. See how Senate members voted in our interactive graphic.
Sen. Dick Durbin joins us to discuss the bipartisan immigration bill being considered in Congress, and the latest on the Hill.

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