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View our interactive graphic to see how Illinois Senate members voted on pension bill SB0001.
The Illinois Senate approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage—bringing it one step closer to becoming law. The bill passed the Senate in a 34-21-2 vote, but now faces a tougher vote as it moves to the Illinois House of Representatives. See how Senate members voted in our interactive graphic.
Utility giant ComEd's first female president talks about the company's future plans to keep customers out of the dark.
The scandal-plagued legislative scholarship program is dead. Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation Wednesday morning ending the 100-year-old program. Elizabeth Brackett reports.
A young girl begs Gov. Pat Quinn to "sack" a controversial bill that would prevent towns from getting rid of plastic bags. Paris Schutz has the story.
The Illinois House voted Wednesday to pull free, taxpayer-funded health insurance from nearly 80,000 state retirees and retired suburban and downstate teachers, lawmakers and judges.
City taxpayers are on the hook for more money to the company that leased the parking meters. We have more on the mayor's reaction, and why this may just be the tip of the iceberg. Paris Schutz reports.
At last, Illinois lawmakers voted Tuesday to give CME and Sears $100 million in combined tax breaks, as well as substantial tax breaks to the working poor.

Tax Breaks

Sears and the CME group are a step closer to getting their tax breaks. You might be too. We hear from two state senators who will vote on Tuesday.
Gov. Pat Quinn's "smart grid" veto is overridden. Carol Marin and her panel of lawmakers react to the legislation, and take a look at whether the governor has any political clout left.

Framework for Gaming in Illinois

Gov. Pat Quinn says he will veto a gaming bill passed in May, in favor of a gambling plan of his own. Carol Marin talks with the governor about that and other pressing Illinois issues.

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