The Week in Review
The Week in Review: Battle Over Soda Tax Intensifies
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle faces more pressure to dump the unpopular penny-per-ounce tax on sweetened beverages as the repeal vote approaches next week.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel lobbies for an enormous second Amazon headquarters in Chicago.
Gov. Bruce Rauner refuses to support legislation to make Illinois a sanctuary state after President Donald Trump’s DACA decision.
Gubernatorial candidate Daniel Biss parts ways with his running mate over a disagreement about the sanctions movement against Israel.
School starts with funding reform in place and undocumented students fearful.
And in sports, Cubs injuries are piling up as the team holds the division lead, and the Bears kick off the season.
Natasha Korecki, Politico | @NatashaKorecki
Juan Perez Jr., Chicago Tribune | @PerezJr
Laura Washington, Chicago Sun-Times / ABC 7 News | @MediaDervish
Nancy Armour, USA Today | @NRArmour
The conversation continues in our web-extra video. This week, Weisman and guests discuss Hillary Clinton’s revealing new book, “What Happened.”
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