Web Extra: Lt. Gov. Post-Forum News Conference

Jil TracyCreating jobs in Illinois and bringing businesses to the state were among the top priorities expressed by Republican candidates running for Illinois Lieutenant Governor during a post-forum news conference.

Sen. Kirk Dillard will look to Jil Tracy to be a “repealer,” by removing the red tape and bureaucracies that are hindering business growth and development, Tracy said.

While Maria Rodriguez hasn’t been given a title like Tracy, she said her experience serving as village president of Long Grove allows her to speak to the needs of all towns and small businesses.

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When Rodriguez was asked about her decision to shy away from running for lt. governor with Bruce Rauner, Rodriguez said she chose not to run with him because it was not a “good fit.”

Maria RodriguezRauner’s lack of legislative experience was one of the contributing factors to her decision, she said, adding her views and Rauner’s views did not line up.

While Tracy and Dillard’s views on pension reform are not in lockstep, Tracy said the goal is the same.

“The means to get there we may have differed on,” she said. “It’s an unusual circumstance that led us to different means to obtaining the solvency and sustainability of the pensions; that’s how I see it.”

When asked about Treasurer Dan Rutherford’s decision not to release the findings of an independent investigation into claims made in a lawsuit against him, Steve Kim said Rutherford would like to release the report but was advised not to.

Steve Kim“He always said he’d like to release the report, and if I was in that situation, I would advise my client the same way,” Kim said. “When you’re in federal court, [you] can’t be having reports all over the place in the public. Remember this is a federal lawsuit.”

Evelyn Sanguinetti did not stay for the post-forum news conference.

Watch the forum here and read a recap of our live online chat.

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