Tom Cross
Dennis Hastert has gone from being the longest-serving Republican U.S. House Speaker to the highest-ranking federal public official to go to jail. He was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in prison and to two years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $250,000.
Frerichs to Become State Treasurer
More than two weeks after the election, the Illinois Treasurer’s race has been decided. Democratic candidate Mike Frerichs will become the next treasurer.
Republican candidate Tom Cross and Democrat Mike Frerichs face off on Chicago Tonight's candidate forum for the open treasurer's seat.
Veteran politician Rep. Tom Cross faces DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan in the GOP Primary for Illinois State Treasurer. The winner will face Democrat Mike Frerichs, who is running unopposed. Cross and Grogan join us. Read an article.
Welcome to Chicago Tonight’s online coverage of the 2014 race for Illinois Treasurer. You can read profiles of the candidates and catch all of their appearances on Chicago Tonight.
Tuesday, Oct. 21: Illinois Treasurer Forum
Now that House Minority Leader Tom Cross has decided to step down, GOP members of the House need to choose a new leader. Today, they meet to start this process. In what direction might the party pivot? We chat with Amanda Vinicky, statehouse bureau chief at Illinois Public Radio and WUIS.
Top lawmaker Tom Cross accuses House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton of playing politics to hold up pension reform. Paris Schutz has the story.
The day of reckoning that wasn't. State Rep. Tom Cross and State Sen. Christine Radogno join us with insight into what went wrong with the governor's special session.
Paris Schutz speaks with Republican leaders one day before the special legislative session on pension reform.
Illinois' new fiscal year began with no reported progress on tackling the state's deepening pension crisis. House Republican Leader Tom Cross and Senate President John Cullerton join us.
Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross joins Eddie Arruza to talk about the many contentious issues facing lawmakers in next week’s fall veto session.