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CPS says conduct didn’t rise to level of disciplinary infraction

A Chicago Public School principal whose school is in the process of constructing a $60 million expansion attempted to sway the answers of teachers on a 2017 survey measuring the overall quality of the school.

Debate continues over controversial plan to convert elementary into new South Loop high school

A trio of town halls wasn’t enough for National Teachers Academy parents and South Loop-area residents, who filled a Board of Education meeting Wednesday to continue talks over a controversial plan for a new high school.
The 3rd ward alderman says she believes combining the schools will create a more diverse and just-as high performing elementary school, and high-quality neighborhood high school for South Loop residents. 
Hundreds of parents and Near South Side residents weighed in Monday night on a controversial proposal that would transition the National Teachers Academy into a new South Loop high school.
Why a proposal to convert a Near South Side elementary school into a neighborhood high school has won support from local residents, but drawn the ire of some parents.

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