While the Trump administration has repeatedly tried to repeal Obamacare, Illinois residents are still taking advantage of it in droves.

U.S. District Court Judge Joan Lefkow is directing the cash-strapped state to put more money into Medicaid.

(Ken Teegardin / Flickr)

Illinois government is sitting on $14.68 billion of bills it can’t afford to pay, and providers of Medicaid are suing to get to the front of the line.

(The Javorac / Flickr)

More than two dozen health care providers are threatening to stop caring for poor patients unless the state pays its Medicaid bills. We talk with the reporter who broke the story. 

Many of Illinois' most vulnerable residents could be the hardest hit by the budget stalemate in Springfield. But last Thursday, a U.S. District Judge ensured that Cook County Medicaid recipients will not become victims of the political impasse. 

Gov. Rauner's budget cuts funding to Medicaid and public transportation, and recommends changes to public worker pension plans. We take a look at what would be the likely impact on services and public worker pensions should Gov. Rauner's proposed budget become law. 

Though the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, has only gone into effect this year, some parts of the new law have already gone into effect in Cook County. We take a look at the early Medicaid expansion called CountyCare. Read an article and watch a web extra video.

Illinois is one of 25 states that have chosen to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. We head to DuPage County to check up on the massive changes taking place in the state's health care system.

Illinois Medicaid Cuts

We asked for your thoughts about Illinois Medicaid cuts. We read what some of you had to say in Viewer Mail.

Gov. Pat Quinn signs a package of bills to save Medicaid from financial collapse. But the result is steep cuts to many in Illinois who rely on the coverage. Ash-har Quraishi has the details.

Gov. Pat Quinn

Gov. Pat Quinn announced a new online resource to empower the people of Illinois to help restore fiscal stability to our state.

Gov. Pat Quinn

Tough medicine on Medicaid and pension reform from Gov. Quinn. Will he get lawmakers to sign on, and will it really solve Illinois' money problems? He's here to tell us.

Lawmakers are back in Springfield, taking on Gov. Quinn's bold pension and Medicaid reform plans. We have the latest from the capitol.

Quinn's Medicaid Plan

We asked about your thoughts on the governor's Medicaid reforms. We hear what some of you had to say in tonight's Viewer Mail.

Gov. Pat Quinn

Gov. Pat Quinn lays out $2.7 billion in Medicaid cuts after a committee he appointed falls short of a plan. We talk to lawmakers and analysts about the governor's sweeping proposal on Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm. Visit the PDFs below to learn more about the Medicaid Stabilization plan.

Illinois State Capitol Building

Illinois lawmakers are back in Springfield next week. Can they make any headway in reducing the state's huge fiscal problems in this election year? We hear from four lawmakers.