Dick Simpson
“The sheer number and political stature of the Illinois elected officials and business leaders who were implicated, indicted or convicted in the 2020 is staggering,” University of Illinois at Chicago professor and former 44th Ward Ald. Dick Simpson said.
Chicago has not always had the most cordial relationship with democracy over decades of machine-style politics. A new book from longtime Chicago political observer Dick Simpson aims to diagnose what’s wrong and offer prescriptions to fix it.
Illinois comes in at No. 3, according to the UIC ranking
The rankings from the University of Illinois at Chicago are unchanged from 2018 — but big corruption trials are on the horizon.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot has just a “fragile” hold on a City Council majority that allows her to govern the city — but warning signs are flashing, according to an analysis of City Council votes during her first 11 months in office.
Ald. Ed Burke pleads not guilty to 14 counts of racketeering, attempted bribery and extortion. A look at how he amassed, and used, his power over the years.
He has seemingly been part of the Chicago political scene forever, first as an activist but then as an alderman, political science professor and twice as an unsuccessful candidate for Congress. Dick Simpson talks about his new book.
An annual study from the University of Illinois at Chicago finds that aldermen are increasingly voting independently from Mayor Rahm Emanuel on contested issues.
A new book takes a comprehensive look at the patronage, cronyism and criminality in Illinois politics -- from stolen elections and crooked courts to corrupt congressmen, governors and aldermen.
As we race closer to the November election, one item that’s being pushed to be on the ballot is legislative term limits. Joining us to discuss the pros and cons of term limits and how they work are Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs Chris Mooney and UIC Political Science Professor Dick Simpson. Read an interview and view a map on term limits in the United States.
In light of former Metra CEO Alex Clifford’s testimony before the RTA Wednesday, we take a look at the ethical and legal implications of patronage politics in Illinois.
Ald. Dick Mell resigns after a decades-long career. Will his daughter take his place? Carol Marin and her panel tackle Chicago’s political dynasties.