Rep. Quigley on House Russia Investigation, Election Cybersecurity

Republicans and Democrats in the House are reportedly at odds over their investigation into possible Russian interference with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

CNN reports that members of the House Intelligence Committee are split along party lines, with Republicans accusing Democrats of wanting to prolong the investigation indefinitely. Democrats say their GOP counterparts are trying to sweep it under the rug.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley of Illinois’ 5th District, who sits on the committee, has called on House Speaker Paul Ryan to intervene.

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“Who can do the most to make sure that this investigation moves forward appropriately? It’s the speaker of the House,” Quigley said Tuesday on CNN. “He is facilitating the chairman of the Intelligence Committee’s desire to take this investigation to a different place and to hinder the Russia investigation.”

Ryan reportedly met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Chris Wray on Wednesday to discuss the House investigation.

Last month, Quigley called for stronger election infrastructure at a press conference with Illinois election officials.

“Seventeen intelligence agencies have confirmed – without a doubt – that Russia hacked our democratic process,” Quigley said at the event. “Russia’s election hacking, propaganda spreading and dissemination of fake news is nothing new and as [FBI] Director Comey said, ‘They will be back.’”

Quigley joins “Chicago Tonight” to discuss the Russia investigation, election hacking and other issues.

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