Arts & Entertainment
Chicago Composer, Trumpeter Orbert Davis on Cuba, World-Premiere Work
Nearly two years ago, Chicago composer, conductor and trumpeter Orbert Davis was teaching a music class in Havana when he received the breaking news that diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba were going to be reestablished.
Davis already had an ongoing association with Cuba’s National Conservatory of the Arts; an association that's nurtured some impressive talent.
On Friday in Chicago, Davis presents the world premiere of a composition by one of his young Cuban protégés.
Davis joins host Eddie Arruza in discussion and performance.
Video: Orbert Davis, along with John Moulder on the electric guitar, performs a selection from Davis’ brand new composition, “The Mississippi River: Black and Blues.”
Related event
Orbert Davis conducts and performs with the Chicago Jazz Philharmonic on Friday at the Auditorium Theater. Get information about the show here.
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