Jackie Robinson West Title Stripped

The South Side Little League team that won the U.S. Championship and was the toast of the town this summer is stripped of its title. After investigating allegations that Illinois District 4 knowingly placed players outside its boundaries on the team, Little League International handed down its decision and everyone is talking about it. 

District Administrator Michael Kelley has been removed from his position, and the team manager Darold Butler has also been suspended, along with Jackie Robinson West's tournament privileges. While some applaud the decision in support of fair play, others are in an uproar over the decision to punish the team and the children who worked hard and had no knowledge of the controversy.

Ald. Carrie Austin (34th) says this brings up the issue of race. Others are calling for a look at violence, housing, and the mobile community on the south side. Do these issues contribute to the discussion or is this simply a case of adults behaving badly? We discuss these topics and more with our panel tonight. Joining us are Chicago Tribune sportswriter Fred Mitchell, Dr. Marisha Humphries, clinical psychologist and associate professor of Education Psychology at University of Illinois at Chicago, and SB Nation sports writer and mentor Bryan Crawford

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View a timeline of the Jackie Robinson West story.
--Timeline by Travis Cornejo

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