School Closings Analysis

Now that the School Board has voted to close 50 schools, what happens next? We have analysis on Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm. Joining us on the show are:

- Steve Georges: Chicago Police Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Patrol. His department works in conjunction with the Chicago Public Schools to keep kids safe at school, as well as traveling to and from school with the Safe Passages program.

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- Diane Schanzenbach: economist and associate professor at Northwestern's School of Education and Social Policy. As chair of the Institute for Policy Research's program on child, adolescent and family, she has led a 10-year study of Chicago school closings.

- Jeanne Olson: a CPS parent, a qualitative researcher and an independent consultant. Olson founded Apples2Apples to crunch CPS data regarding its school closing formula.

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