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Illinois lawmakers met in Springfield for a special session to decide how to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka.
The one-day Springfield special session comes and goes with the fate of pension reform now in the hands of a committee. Find out who is on that committee.
The day of reckoning that wasn't. State Rep. Tom Cross and State Sen. Christine Radogno join us with insight into what went wrong with the governor's special session.
After historic expulsion vote, the Illinois General Assembly fails to deliver on pension reform during the special session. Paris Schutz reports from Springfield.
Chicago Tonight is covering the Special Session on pensions in Springfield. View their Twitter streams for the latest news and photos.
Chicago Tonight is covering Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. View their Twitter streams for the latest news and photos.
With just three days until the special legislative session in Springfield, lawmakers here are given even more sobering news about the state's pension hole. What's likely to happen Friday? We have the latest from the state capital.
Will there be any pension reform this year? We hear from all four members of the governor's pension working group.
Gov. Pat Quinn calls for a special session to act on pension reform. He joins us. Then, Sen. Michael Noland from the governor's pension working group tells us more about the reforms.

Tax Breaks

Sears and the CME group are a step closer to getting their tax breaks. You might be too. We hear from two state senators who will vote on Tuesday.

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