Candidate Free Time
Lupe Aguirre: Candidate for Cook County Commissioner, 2nd District
WTTW’s 2018 Voters’ Guide to the Cook County Primary is an online resource designed to inform voters about the candidates running for office in the March 20 election.
Candidates were given two minutes to tell voters where they stand on the issues, why they feel they are best qualified and what they intend to do if elected or re-elected. The messages were recorded at the WTTW studios at no cost to the candidates. The Voters’ Guide is an online version of Candidate Free Time, pioneered by WTTW in the 1992 race for U.S. Senate. This year’s Candidate Free Time is produced with and underwritten in part by the League of Women Voters of Cook County.
About this office: Cook County Commissioner
Seventeen elected Commissioners constitute the Cook County Board, the governing policy board and legislative body of Cook County. The Board sets policy and laws for the county regarding public health and public safety and oversees safety and maintenance of county highways. The Board approves the annual budget and oversees financial integrity of the County.
About this candidate:
Name: Lupe Aguirre
DOB: 2/7/1973
Residence: West Loop
Family: Wife: Ava Touloupakis – Son: Maximos K. Aguirre
Occupation: Chicago Police Officer – Attorney
Political Experience: I Served on our Condo Board for the last 3yrs. and as President (2015-2017). As the chief executive officer of a non-profit corporation, I was responsible for 110 residential and 2 commercial units with 40 million in assets, presiding at all meetings of the board and the membership.
Candidate Q&A
What is your vision for this office?
A new Voice. A Fresh vision for Cook County.
I want Cook County to be safer, healthier, and more efficient.
People are living in fear across the country and across Cook County. Fear of losing their health insurance, fear of being shot and fear of being deported. Confidence in government institutions has never been lower. And the need for effective, transformative and compassionate government has never been greater.
As the GOP in Washington and Republicans in Springfield continue to focus on their conservative agenda and systematically dismantle our social safety net, the county’s role in providing critical backstops to their most vulnerable residents is even more urgent.
I believe in putting our neighborhoods first, which is about making sure that local resources are used to the benefit of the people. I want to continue the gains that Cook County has made by responsibly shrinking our governmental workforce through innovation and automation.
I believe government has a moral and fiscal obligation to make sure that all its residents have access to quality health care and health insurance. I want to continue to Improve health care delivery and reduce taxpayer allocation to the county’s health system by improving care and care coordination, investing in community health and pursuing innovative private and public partnerships so that county residents are healthier and able to prosper.
Needless to say, I strongly support Investing in public health programs to make our communities stronger.
In the area of Criminal Justice Reform, I believe that it is incumbent on our criminal justice system to be fair, cost effective and equitable to young people.
I support continued innovation and reform that reduces the county’s jail population, including enforcing bail reform to limit unnecessary jail time.
I support restorative justice measures. I also support enhancing juvenile expungement laws in helping young people get a second chance so that they don’t fall through the cracks and lead more productive lives. Which also includes, supporting the reduction in the number of young people automatically transferred to adult court. It is in the county’s best interest to keep as many young people out of adult court as possible.
I also believe that we should not take money away from the public defender’s office and forcing an already overworked department to take on more cases.
I will fight for community investments, to protect our social safety net, give our young people hope and provide essential services.
I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right and remain principled. I am running for this office because it is important and it focuses on things I believe in.
1. Providing Quality health care to the underserved and uninsured.
2. A Fair and cost effective criminal justice system.
Candidate Statement
I’m coming up on my 8th year proudly, and honorably working as a Chicago Police Officer and 9 years as a practicing attorney.
During these last 8 years, I have managed to find my VOICE while helping and being an advocate for those who have been rendered Voiceless.
I have also learned how politics and government interact. What decisions our local government can make to help the economy or decisions that negatively impact us all.
Locally, there is a targeted and systematic attack on working class people, who are being over taxed and forced to under-educate their children
They are also living in Fear of losing their HEALTH INSURANCE, fear of being SHOT and fear of being DEPORTED.
The need for effective, transformative and compassionate government has never been greater.
I am fighting for a SAFER, HEALTHIER, a more TRANSPARENT and EFFICIENT Cook County.
I firmly believe that Government has a moral and fiscal obligation to make sure that all its residents have access to quality, affordable health care and health insurance, and be pressed to pursue innovative private and public partnerships so that county residents can prosper.
I also believe that it is incumbent on our Criminal Justice System to be FAIR, COST EFFECTIVE and EQUITABLE, while still protecting our community from its worst offenders.
I support continued innovation and reform that reduces the county’s jail population, including enforcing bail reform to limit unnecessary jail time for a low level, non-violent offenders.
I also strongly support restorative justice measures.
An efficient criminal justice system also includes providing access to adequate mental health treatment. We must ensure that quality care is a right that justice requires.
I also hold on to the notion that our humanity is connected to each other!
So, it’s time for US ALL to pull together as Americans and sons and daughters of immigrants!
I am running for this office because it is important and it focuses on things I believe in. I’m ready to get to work for US ALL!
See more candidates for Cook County commissioner, 2nd County Board District.
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