William J. Kelly Running as Republican Alternative to Rauner

With eight men, the field of Democratic candidates running for governor is especially crowded. But there is only one Republican aiming to challenge Bruce Rauner in the gubernatorial primary on March 20. 

William J. Kelly will face a tough fight: Rauner’s campaign chest has over $70 million

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This gubernatorial race is on pace to shatter all records, with party officials estimating the spending could reach $300 million before it’s over. Democratic candidate and billionaire venture capitalist J.B. Pritzker has contributed more than $14 million to his own campaign so far.

Kelly ran for office unsuccessfully against Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka in the 2010 primary. He also ran for mayor against the incumbent, Rahm Emanuel, in 2015.

He hosts “The Citizen Kelly Show” on WCGO-AM. He is also the founder of an Emmy award-winning TV production company, RevDigital, and is a contributor to the American Spectator and The Washington Times among others.

Kelly joins host Phil Ponce in discussion.

This is the ninth in a series of conversations we will be having with declared candidates for Illinois governor. Find more of our coverage of the 2018 governors race here.

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