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U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Monday that the Justice Department is continuing to investigate the shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin despite George Zimmerman's acquittal. Elizabeth Brackett has local reaction to the verdict, and what the next steps in the case may be.
A full acquittal for Roger Clemens, the baseball great beating charges he lied to Congress about steroids. ESPN's Lester Munson joins us to talk about what the case means for baseball and beyond.
William Balfour, the man accused of murdering actress Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew in 2008 has been convicted on all counts.
Springfield insider William Cellini was convicted on two of four counts of extortion and aiding and abetting bribery, including an attempted shakedown of a Hollywood producer for Rod Blagojevich. Elizabeth Brackett has been following the long Blagojevich saga from the beginning and has a wrap-up of the Cellini verdict.

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