As of June 30, nearly half a million 401(k) accounts (497,000) had balances of $1 million or more, up 2.5% from the prior quarter. The average balance hit $1,595,200, up from $1,581,000 at the end of March, according to Fidelity’s data.
Folks over age 60 are opting to stay in their homes and communities well into their golden years. A collection of "virtual villages" are popping up all over the country, providing engagement, services, and a new way of looking at how we age.
Retirement Law & E15 Ordinance
We share what you had to say about a new retirement law and the proposal to require Chicago gas stations to sell E15 gasoline in tonight's viewer feedback.
State Sen. Daniel Biss discusses a new workplace retirement program that was just approved in Springfield and will impact 2.5 million Illinois workers.
One third of Americans have no retirement savings and far more do not have enough savings to maintain their working lifestyle into retirement. Our panel discusses how retirement is changing.
The president and CEO of the mutual fund association, Investment Company Institute (ICI), talks with us about retirement savings and how to plan for the future. View graphics of his research.
In a surprise announcement, Pope Benedict XVI said that he is renouncing the papacy at the end of February, citing his deteriorating health.
Is a Chicago casino close to reality? Paris Schutz has the latest on that, and how the mayor and police superintendent plan to enact gun control in the absence of action from Springfield or Washington.
Quinn's Medicaid Plan
We asked about your thoughts on the governor's Medicaid reforms. We hear what some of you had to say in tonight's Viewer Mail.