The Organic Gardener
We get a tasty sampling of the first harvest of our garden with organic gardener Jeanne Nolan.
It’s time to start planting! The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan returns to WTTW's organic garden to plant cool-season crops selected by viewers and tackle an early flush of weeds. Also, we need your help picking the next round of crops to plant.
Winter’s (mostly) behind us and we’re ready to grow! It might not quite feel like it yet, but spring is here and it’s time to head back to the garden. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan joins us to prepare WTTW’s organic garden for a fruitful growing season.
Winter is coming, which means it’s time to clean up the WTTW organic garden. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan helps us prepare the garden for winter and plant one last crop.
Temperatures are starting to drop but that doesn’t signal the end of the gardening season. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan visits the WTTW organic garden to do some planting. She also shares tips on how gardeners can extend the season a little longer.
Approach of Fall Does Little to Deter Garden’s Growth
With fall right around the corner, The Organic Gardener founder Jeanne Nolan visits the WTTW organic garden to check on our summer crops.
The WTTW organic vegetable garden is thriving this summer despite all the rain and fluctuations in temperature. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan joins us to harvest mid-summer crops. She’ll also give us some tips on what vegetables can still be planted at this point in the season.
The unseasonably wet start to the summer has done little to dampen growth in the WTTW garden. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan is back with an update from our vegetable patch and some answers to viewer questions.
Now that the temperature has warmed up, we’re ready to plant the seeds and transplants for our summer crops. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan visits our garden to help us plant our latest round of viewer selected crops and check in on the crops we planted a month ago.
Chicago Tonight staff digs into the first planting of the season with The Organic Gardner Jeanne Nolan.
Gardening season is just around the corner. To help us prepare for the upcoming season, The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan stops by our garden and studio.
The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan returns to the WTTW garden for the final harvest of the year just in time for Thanksgiving.
With winter fast approaching, it’s time to clean up the WTTW garden and remove the remaining summer plants. The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan stops by to help our garden transition into the next season.
The gardening season has come to an end for most of our summer crops, but that doesn’t mean we’re done gardening until next spring.
The season has come to an end for our zucchini and nearly all of our tomato plants.
The Organic Gardener Jeanne Nolan and maintenance crew member Adrienne Detanico help clean up our garden.