Pregnant Boys? New Transit Ads Spark Dialogue
A new ad campaign by the Chicago Department of Public Health depicts teenage boys whose bodies are photoshopped so they appear pregnant – very pregnant. According to the CDPH, the campaign intends “to make the case that teen parenthood is more than just a girl’s responsibility.” We talk with Commissioner Dr. Bechara Choucair on Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm about this provocative effort, and where Chicago stands when it comes to teen pregnancy.
View the ads below, and visit Web Extra: Teen Pregnancy Ad Campaign Q&A to read an interview with a professor who weighs in on the impact of the campaign.
This ad campaign in Chicago is modeled after a similar campaign launched in Milwaukee.
These ads are currently on display on buses, trains, platforms and bus shelters across the city.
The Chicago Department of Public Health wants individuals to join the conversation on this campaign, and teen pregnancy in Chicago, by using the hashtag #Unexpected on Twitter.
What are your thoughts about the provocative ads? Share your comments below.