The number of women in construction industry apprenticeship programs has remained mostly steady in the state, going from 3% to 5% since 2009, according to Illinois Department of Labor data. While there has been some progress in more women going into the trades, there’s more work to be done to help women stay in the trades, according to leaders in the industry.
women workplace
Gretchen Carlson, the former Fox anchor who has worked to ban arbitration clauses since she sued Roger Ailes, then the network’s CEO, for sexual harassment, attended Thursday’s signing ceremony.
Anne-Marie Slaughter's article in The Atlantic, Why Women Still Can't Have It All, is now the most-read piece in the magazine's history. Her new book "Unfinished Business" expands upon the ideas in the article, and calls for a new valuation of caregiving and a change in the structure of the workplace. Slaughter joins us to discuss her new book.