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A nonprofit celebrating the work of Black women and gender-nonconforming media makers opened its doors Friday. The Sisters in Cinema Media Arts Center, 2310 E. 75th St., will offer screenings and workshops to the community.
The residents say they have filed a motion for an emergency temporary restraining order against the city of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to prevent a migrant respite center from opening in the former South Shore High School building.
Dozens of residents from the area and neighboring communities attended the capacity event. According to the city, the plan is to use the first floor of the former high school, giving 500 asylum seekers a space to stay temporarily as local efforts continue to find shelter for them.
Many of the flags waving from civic buildings aren’t just representing Chicago, they’re made in the city’s South Shore neighborhood, by Chicago residents, who work for a company known as W.G.N.
Some South Shore residents have been without heat and hot water. Organizers said the situation highlights concerns over possible displacement and rising housing costs caused by the coming Obama Presidential Center, just blocks away.
Metra, Amtrak and South Shore trains will run under McCormick Place during the NATO summit next month, according to the Secret Service. Due to security measures, however, there may be delays. 

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