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The latest poll shows the gubernatorial race in a dead heat between the two front-runners. We analyze the numbers and the final five-day push before Election Day on Tuesday.
Chad Grimm, the Libertarian Party candidate for Illinois Governor, visits Chicago Tonight to talk about his vision for Illinois and why he sees himself as the only legitimate candidate for change.
Carol Marin and her panel look behind the latest poll numbers for the upcoming elections.
As Labor Day passes, the campaigns for governor are accelerating into full gear. Paris Schutz has the latest.
Carol Marin and four political journalists analyze where the candidates stand in the latest polls, and how money is influencing the hotly contested races.
From state spending to patronage hires to gubernatorial race hijinks, there is no shortage of topics in the political sphere this week. We discuss these topics and implications for the city and state with our panel. 
Carol Marin and her guests gauge the climate of the Illinois governor race and the support for Republican primary candidates.
There's a new push to boost Chicago tourism with visions of glass cable car trams, luxury CTA cars to O'Hare and light shows bouncing off of downtown buildings.  "Choose Chicago's" chairman and possible gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner is here to talk about the plans-- and his political future.

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