Special Section

2020 Voter Guide

to the Primary Election

2020 Primary Election Notice

You have reached the 2020 Primary Election (March 2020) Voter Guide. For the 2020 General Election (November 2020) Voter Guide please click here.

About the Candidate

Name: Sargis Sangari
DOB: June 4, 1969
Occupation: CEO Near East Center for Strategic Engagement Political
Political Experience: None
Website: votesangari.com
Twitter: @VoteSangari

Candidate Statement

Good Morning America!... and a Blessed Good Morning to the residence of the 9th Congressional District of Illinois.

I am LTC Sargis Sangari… retired from 20 plus years of dedicated service to our country in the United States Army Infantry and Special Operational Forces. 

WTTW Chicago has generously provided me two minutes to tell you… why you Should vote for me, as the Republican Candidate. 

If they had given me 2 hours or even two days… it would not be enough time… instead I am here to ask you to give me TWO years.  two years TO SHOW YOU rather than to tell you.

The same way that I over the course of six years of continuous combat deployment… surviving 7 IED's having earned the combat action badge,… serving a diplomatic assignment in Kuwait,… and several other deployments to the Middle east, Europe, Asia, and Central America SHOWED YOU… by my military service… how much I love. YES… Love our country.

Contrast my 20 plus years of tangible, life and death consequences based leadership… forged and hardened in combat… with that of Jan Schakowsky's… who for over the same 20 years serving as your representative to Congress… has not sponsored ANY SUBSTANTIVE legislation and has voted in lock step with her Democratic Party…and sadly now… is one of the leading advocates for a socialist agenda in Congress… which not only enacted the dysfunctional Affordable Care Act and others… but has advocated for the 2019 impeachment to remove a democratically elected president of the United States.

I offer you my service to the nation in the political arena to address these disfunctions and in dedication to the good people of our district.

Thank you, and God Bless you… and God Bless the United States of America.

Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

I am running because it provides for me the opportunity to continue in service to our great country. I have invested over 20 plus years of my life in dedicated service to the nation in our armed forces and now that I am retired it does not mean that I am retired from my responsibility to my country. Therefore, this for me is the opportunity to continue in my commitment to protect and serve.

What is your vision for this office?

I would hope to empower our current leadership in maintaining and further facilitating current national policies which have resulted in the strong economy, minimization of unemployment and securing of our borders against unlawful entry by persons who by their very act of entering the country outside of the legal process, have shown a disregard for the sovereignty of our laws, their by neutralizing the efforts of our legal ethnic communities to affect policy.

What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?

The most pressing issue is how the voter will militate against the enabling of the socialist agenda by the Democratic Party and more specifically relative to the impact upon the voters of the 9th congressional district by the incumbency of Jan Schakowsky.

The other issues today are the same as they always have been, economic opportunity and the health and well-being of our families. The current has addressed both by facilitating economic development, maximizing the growing of the national economy, and enacting policies which remediate the dysfunctional Affordable Care Act.