About the Candidate
Name: Kimball Ladien
Candidate Statement
Hello. My name is Dr. Kimball Ladien.
There are many programs at LadienforCongress.com and in my books Safe Haven and The Chicago Project that can SAVE LIVES and Tax Dollars with a PARADIGM SHIFT from Gridlock and “Politics as Usual” to Win-Win GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.
As a Physician, my Safe Haven programs create JOBS using a Community Service Corps much like FDR’s CCC and WPA.
With After School Programs for our Children and JOB Programs for Adults, we can reduce Gang Crime, Drugs, Abuse and Joblessness dramatically -- SAVING LIVES and more than enough to Pay Off the Pensions WITHOUT having to Raise Taxes.
As a Scientist, my Global Energy Independence Program, GEIP, can provide clean, renewable energy that SAVES $2-3 trillion a year.
In America, GEIP can pay for Universal Health Care and Education on a BIPARTISAN basis while helping to end Gridlock.
Finally, we must get Beyond the Tribalism of DOUBLE STANDARDS for the GOOD of ALL.
My beloved wife and soulmate of over 50 years, Sylvia, was a Mystery Writer with an IQ of 185 when she was Murdered while writing her book Obama and the MURDER of Don Young.
As Don’s mother, Norma Jean, tried to tell Chicago’s Media, Don had been Obama’s lover for over 20 years.
Stormy Daniels? Yes. Don Young and Sylvia? Hell NO!
The DOUBLE STANDARDS of “Politics as Usual” MUST END!!!
With GEIP-powered Desalinization Plants, we can turn Deserts into Gardens in the Middle East and far beyond.
With Safe Haven we can turn Violence and Despair into JOBS and HOPE in America and around the World.
The Manhattan Project built the bomb. With the Chicago Project, we can ALL help to Build the PEACE.
This would be “Making something Very GOOD out of something very Bad” -- just as Sylvia would wish it to be.
Simply go to LadienforCongress.com and Decide for Yourself.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Candidate Q&A
Why are you running?
Safe Haven, GEIP and The Chicago Project‐‐ SAVING LIVES and Tax Dollars‐‐ Breaking the Cycles
As a Physician, Scientist and, now, a Candidate for Congress, there are many programs listed at LadienforCongress.com that can SAVE LIVES and Tax Dollars helping us to Pay Off our Pensions WITHOUT Raising Taxes while finally replacing Gridlock and “Politics as Usual” with GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE for the GOOD of ALL.
As a Physician, my Safe Haven programs create JOBS using a Community Service Corps (CSC) much like FDR’s CCC and WPA. If the only two things we do this coming year are to have After School Programs for All of our Children and JOB Programs for Adults, including for those on Probation and Parole, we can reduce Gang Crime, Murders, Drugs, Abuse and Joblessness >50% in the first year alone and much better thereafter‐‐ SAVING LIVES and >$2B/yr‐‐ more than enough to Pay Off the Pensions WITHOUT having to Raise Taxes. Details are discussed at Ladien for Congress.com and in my books Safe Haven and The Chicago Project.
As a Scientist, my Global Energy Independence Program, GEIP, can provide clean, renewable energy that SAVES $2‐3T/yr worldwide.
In America, this can pay for Universal Health Care and Education on a BIPARTISAN basis while helping to Break the Gridlock by replacing “Politics as Usual” and Opinions with GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE.
I will Share the equation underlying GEIP with Quigley, Pelosi, Schumer and President Trump if they will agree to implement Safe Haven and GEIP on a BIPARTISAN Basis. Details are at Ladien for Congress.com.
It is time to END GRIDLOCK at ALL levels, including Washington, and get Beyond the Tribalism of Fake News and DOUBLE STANDARDS for the GOOD of ALL
My beloved wife and soulmate of over 50 years, Sylvia, as a Mystery Writer with an IQ of 185 was Murdered on February 4, 2012 while she was writing her book, Obama and the MURDER of Don Young. Don was the openly gay choir director of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church. As Don’s mother, Norma Jean, tried to tell people, Don had been Obama’s lover for over 20 years when he was MURDERED, executionstyle, on December 23, 2007‐‐ just at the beginning of Obama’s first campaign.
Even though the Courts have ruled that Norma Jean has STANDING to ask for a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR NONE of the media from Chicago have ever interviewed her, let alone reported on this case. And the fact that Weather Underground leader and Pentagon Bomber, Bill Ayres, and his wife would babysit for the Obama’s when the children were young is never discussed even though an Informant warned of the Weather Underground Leadership talking about “KILLING 25 MILLION Die‐Hard Capitalists… once we take power.” But the Fake News would rather talk about Stormy Daniels and socalled “Russian Collusion.” Such DOUBLE STANDARDS MUST STOP!!!
(You can read the details about these cases, Sylvia’s Murder, and much more at LadienforCongress.com.)
With GEIP‐powered Desalinization Plants, we can turn Deserts into Gardens in the Middle East and far beyond. With Safe Haven we can turn Violence and Despair into JOBS and HOPE in America and around the World. As I say in The Chicago Project, “The Manhattan Project built the Bomb. But with the Chicago Project, we can All help to Build the PEACE. This would be “making something Very GOOD out of something very Bad” ‐‐just as Sylvia would wish it to be. But Sylvia and I both need your help to make this so. Simply go to LadienforCongress.com and decide for yourself.
May we Always Seek the TRUTH and the Win‐Win Way.
God Bless you all and God Bless America.
What is your vision for this office?
A Win-Win BIPARTISAN Contract for America
--From “Politics as Usual” to GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE
Goals of Safe Haven
“If within the next decade we can again walk down any street anywhere in America at any time of the day or night and both feel and actually be safe, then we are starting to do our job. If we can go into any home and find love and caring; if we can go into any school and find learning and growing; if we can go into any workplace and find productive and drug-free employees; if we can reach out into any neighborhood and find a sense of pride and commitment to the Community, then indeed a new millennium will have been reached. This is our goal. This is our dream. It is one I hope to share with you all. Working alone we can accomplish little. But working TOGETHER we can Change the World. As we read history and set the agenda, we have only seven years to go and not a second to lose. Let these be goals truly worthy of us all.” -- Kimball Ladien, MD, Safe Haven, 1993, 2018 (25th Anniversary Edition).
Goals of The Chicago Project
“If the ONLY thing we do in 2019 (sic) is to implement After School programs for our children and JOB Programs for ALL individuals on Probation and Parole, we can easily reach the initial goal of Reducing Gang Crime and MURDERS >50% and help make Chicago a Model for the Country on the way towards achieving a Gang‐Free, Drug‐Free, Full‐Employment Economy in America by the Year 2020 that SAVES LIVES and Billions of Tax Dollars‐‐ a good start indeed to Paying Off the Pensions and CUTTING TAXES.”
“Just as with Penicillin, what works in Chicago and America can be replicated around the World. The $2‐3T/yr of SAVINGS with GEIP can help to make this so. By sharing GEIP with both China and Russia, we can get their assistance with the Peaceful Denuclearization of North Korea and Iran, respectively. With GEIP‐powered desalinization plants, we can turn deserts into Gardens in the Middle East and far beyond. With Safe Haven, we can transform Violence and Despair into JOBS and HOPE throughout the World. And in the process, PROFOUND GOOD will have been done for the Benefit of ALL.” ‐‐ For Sylvia and all of the other Countless Victims of Arrogant, Stupid Systematic Abusers of Power (ASSs) over the Ages… Alone, we can accomplish little. Working TOGETHER, we can Change the World.”
‐‐ Kimball Ladien, MD, The Chicago Project
As a Physician and Scientist and, now, Candidate for Congress in CD5, I fundamentally believe that we must move from Lose‐Lose “Politics as Usual” to Win‐Win GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE if we are to finally Break the Gridlock that has held us back for far too long. It is precisely for this reason that I am running now.
While you will note that some of the “deadlines” set for achieving some of these goals discussed in my many papers and books will soon be missed, in many ways, this is the entire point. Until and unless we all work TOGETHER on a BIPARTISAN basis, very little will be accomplished. The Future is up to YOU.
At LadienforCongress.com, I briefly outline a Win‐Win BIPARTISAN Contract for America that will be expanded upon further as you simply click on the specific issues of interest to you. It is my fervent hope that these seven issues can help bring about a fundamental Paradigm Shift in how we Solve Problems moving forward‐‐ both in America and far beyond.
1. Global Energy Independence Program (GEIP) ‐‐ Clean, Renewable Energy = $2‐3T/yr
2. Ending Gridlock with GOOD GOVERNMENT based on GOOD SCIENCE vs “Politics as Usual”
3. Safety and JOBS for ALL ‐‐ Breaking the Cycles with Safe Haven
4. World‐Class Education for ALL
5. Universal Affordable Healthcare
6. Win‐Win Trade Deals and International Relations
7. Security at Home and Abroad ‐‐ The PEACE Paradigm ‐‐ Sharing GEIP with the World (SH; CP p105)
Note: Reference to my books, Safe Haven (SH), The Chicago Project (CP) and Obama and the MURDER of
Don Young (OMDY) and my various papers will be made throughout for those interested in more details.
What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?
There are Three important issues in CD5 and across the Country on which the Federal Government can and should act are: 1) a Strong Economy; 2) Security at home and abroad; and 3) Ending Gridlock through the use of BIPARTISAN OUTCOMES‐Based Decision Making as discussed below.
1.A Strong Economy (CP p59)
We have one of the Strongest Economies and Highest Job Rates in years. This is NOT by accident. We need to support and expand upon such policies moving forward.
2. Security at Home and Abroad ‐‐ The PEACE Paradigm (SH; CP p105)
Safe Haven can give us Safety and Security at home by reducing Gang Crime, Drugs and Murders >50% in the first year and > 95% thereafter through the use of GOOD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, GOOD SCIENCE and Best Practices based on OUTCOMES instead of Ideology‐‐ SAVING LIVES and Tax Dollars in the process.
Just as with Penicillin, what works in Chicago and America can be replicated around the World. The $2‐3T/yr of SAVINGS with GEIP can help to make this so. By sharing GEIP with both China and Russia, we can get their assistance with the Peaceful Denuclearization of North Korea and Iran, respectively, while there is Still Time to Make A Difference.
As both Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin could tell you from personal experience, APPEASEMENT NEVER WORKS!!! With events escalating as they are, it is important to note that neither Iran nor North Korea need ICBMs to be an Unacceptable Threat to the World. A single suitcase nuke which both can produce today could make even the Holocaust pale by comparison. But, by working TOGETHER with the P5, including China and Russia, we can use Safe Haven and the $2‐3T/yr of GEIP as LEVERAGE for a PEACE Paradigm for the PROFOUND GOOD of ALL of God’s Children.
With GEIP‐powered desalinization plants, we can turn deserts into Gardens in the Middle East and far beyond. With Safe Haven, we can transform Violence and Despair into JOBS and HOPE throughout the World. And in the process, PROFOUND GOOD will have been done for the Benefit of ALL.
3. Ending Gridlock in Washington and Beyond with GOOD GOVERNMENT vs “Politics as Usual” (CP p59) “The essence of our research is to make sure that the fight against Poverty is based on Scientific Evidence.” ‐‐ Dr. Esther Duflo, 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics Recipient
In 2019, the Nobel Prize in Economics went to Dr. Abkifat Banaja and his wife, Dr. Esther Duflo (both at MIT) and Dr. Michael Kremer (Harvard) for developing an Experimental Approach to fighting Poverty based on Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). While RCTs has been the Standard of Practice in GOOD MEDICINE for decades, GOOD SCIENCE is now applying these techniques to some of our most pressing social problems including Poverty, Crime, Addictive Behaviors, Healthcare and much more.
At the University of Chicago, Michael Belsky is applying OUTCOMES‐Based Budgeting (OBB) to actually Evaluating Governmental Budgets based on OUTCOMES instead of “Good Intentions,” Opinions or “Politics as Usual.” By making Budgeting Decisions at ALL levels of GOOD GOVERNMENT based on the actual OUTCOMES of various programs, we can quickly move from Gridlock to Win‐Win Progress based on Results instead of Opinions. Similarly, estimating anticipated Outcomes can help in the Ranking of proposed programs for RCTs before their full implementation. This is how Research Funding is done.
Thus, rather than endless “debates” concerning Programs, by employing Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) to evaluate various “liberal” or “conservative” approaches to specific problems and agreeing ahead of time to implement the programs with the Best OUTCOMES in the most Cost‐Effective manner possible regardless of “Ideologies,” we would finally be moving from “Politics as Usual” to genuine GOOD GOVERNMENT for the GOOD of ALL Such a Win‐Win approach can be applied to Healthcare, Education, Criminal Justice and the PEACE Paradigm, etc. as described below.
Now, instead of looking at any particular “Party,” VOTERS could decide on Candidates based on their pledging to implement the BIPARTISAN Contract for America based on GOOD SCIENCE and GOOD GOVERNMENT ‐‐ thus finally Ending GRIDLOCK Once and for ALL.
It is worth noting that in the dark aftermath of WWII, the brilliant Mathematician, Johnnie von Neumann helped to develop Game Theory which showed that, in the long run, Non‐Zero Sum Win‐Win Strategies always outperform Win‐Lose Scenarios. Over the Ages, countless millions of people have been
Killed and Harmed by Arrogant, Stupid, Systematic Abusers of Power (ASSs) fighting for one Win‐Lose Tribe or Cause or another. Simply put, we have all Lost by the Countless Lose‐Lose Wars and Oppressors over the Millennia. It is to FIGHT ASSS that I ask for your help NOW. (See PEACE Paradigm.)
Of course, the Fundamental Principle of Win‐Win Game Theory was first articulated by a very wise man some 2000 years ago who preached that we should “Do onto others as we would have done unto ourselves.” Sadly, Jesus too was Killed by ASSs preaching this message. But it Is Time to finally Practice what we Preach. Whether it is Russia, China, the EU or all other countries, as Hillary would say we are “Stronger Together.” Whether it is as a Country or as a Planet or as a Galaxy, this Principle is True.
As discussed in my book, The Chicago Project, using Safe Haven and GEIP as LEVERAGE for a PEACE Paradigm, with the help of Russia and China, we can offer these programs to Iran and North Korea, respectively, in return for the Peaceful Denuclearization of these Countries. Similarly, offering these programs to Countries in South America, Africa and Asia can help to significantly improve the Global Standard of Living for ALL of God’s Children. Simply put, the more that we All Work TOGETHER as a Country and as a Planet, the Better the Win‐Win Outcomes are for us ALL. Jesus’ Message Lives On.
Sooner than later, another Nobel Prize in Economics will be awarded to a group of individuals who expand upon the work of Banarjee, Duflo and Kremer noted above to develop a comprehensive Economic Model of Win‐Win Game Theory and OUTCOMES‐Based Budgeting applied at ALL levels of Government and Economies from Local to National to International for the GOOD of ALL. Note: the UofC already has 98 Nobels in Economics …This, too, is an important part of The Chicago Project.
By finally moving from Lose‐Lose “Politics as Usual” to genuine Win‐Win Good GOVERNMENT using OUTCOMES‐Based Decision Making based on GOOD SCIENCE and Best Practices, we can finally End Gridlock at ALL levels of government moving forward‐‐ both in America and far beyond. This may be the greatest Win‐Win of all. (Point 2 of the Seven Point BIPARTISAN Contract for America at LadienforCongress.com for details.)