Arts & Entertainment
5 Arts and Culture Picks to Help You Ring Out the Old With Something New
A painting on display at the “Belonging” exhibit at the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture. (Marc Vitali / WTTW News)
Wrap up your shopping, save the receipts and ring out the old with something new. May your holidays be joyful and artful!
“Kukla, Fran and Ollie Days” – Chicago History Museum
Retro fun for families as the museum hosts episodes of the pioneering TV puppet show on the big screen. The original show ended in 1957 and made a comeback in 1970 at WTTW. One of Burr Tillstrom’s puppets, Madame Ooglepuss, will be on display. Dec. 26-30
Lira Ensemble Carols Concert – Lemont / Lombard / Harwood Heights
Chicago’s celebrated Lira Ensemble sings Polish and American carols. Founded in 1965, the group blends the festive with the spiritual, and singers wear authentic folk clothing from northern Poland. (Will there be any “North Pole” puns?) Three locations. Dec. 27-Jan. 5
“Belonging” – Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture
This mighty little exhibition explores the work of Lithuanian artists who immigrated to Chicago from 1900 to today. Cityscapes, photography and textiles represent the cost of leaving one’s home and finding a place in a new culture. Through May 17
“When Clouds Roll Away” – Stony Island Arts Bank
Theaster Gates’ latest work is a call to preserve cultural treasures. Here, the artist occupies three floors of the Stony Island Arts Bank. The installation is sourced from the 12,000 volumes in the Johnson Publishing Company archive, which is housed in the Bank. Through March 16
Robbie Fulks – Fitzgerald’s Nightclub, Berwyn
Maybe he was your guitar teacher at the Old Town School in the ‘90s, leading a group strum of “Friend of the Devil.” One-time Chicagoan Robbie Fulks returns for a two-night stand at Fitzgerald’s. Great country music and more from a sharp songwriter. Dec. 28 and 31
Marc Vitali is the JCS Fund of the DuPage Foundation Arts Correspondent.