In Final Days as Governor, Rauner Opens Up on Trump, Taxes, Unions and Burke

It’s a constitutional requirement recent Illinois governors have managed to avoid: former Gov. Rod Blagojevich was impeached, removed from office and flunked as a contestant on “The Apprentice,” Donald Trump’s TV show, without issuing a report on his 1.5 terms as governor; former Gov. Pat Quinn was apparently too busy issuing last-minute executive orders meant to trip up his successor, Bruce Rauner, to reflect on what had gone wrong or to give Rauner any recommendations.

But Rauner on Tuesday began fulfilling his duty as governor to “at the close of his term of office … report to the General Assembly on the condition of the State and recommend such measures as he deems desirable,” by making public a letter addressed to members of the incoming 101st General Assembly and taking a wide range of questions from reporters.

“We know that many initiatives undertaken by our administration will continue to produce major benefits for the people of Illinois for years to come. But there is so much important work yet to be done,” Rauner wrote in the letter. “The path to a better future is clear: increase funding for education and human services, not through tax increases, but through savings in the cost of government and through stronger economic growth unleashed by cuts in taxes and regulations.”

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