(WTTW News)

Property tax bills for Cook County residents are available online at cookcountytreasurer.com and should hit mailboxes this week.

(WTTW News)

Bills are available online at cookcountytreasurer.com and should hit mailboxes by Nov. 1.

(WTTW News)

The second-installment of property owners’ 2022 tax bills will be more than 120 days late amid months of bureaucratic wrangling and finger pointing among Cook County officials.

(WTTW News)

The first installment of property owners’ 2022 tax bills will be due approximately a month later than usual because of delays last year, officials said.

(WTTW News)

A reprieve from having to pay a hefty tax bill sounds like a gift, but a monthslong delay in Cook County property tax bills could instead cause headaches for taxpayers, governments and elected officials alike.