“Letters Beyond Form: Chicago Types” is a modestly scaled but ambitious exhibition currently occupying the Design Museum of Chicago on Randolph Street across from the Chicago Cultural Center.
An expansion of O’Hare International Airport’s Concourse C would add more gates and serve both international and domestic passengers, according to elected officials who unveiled design renderings Tuesday.
We talk with Chicago Tribune’s Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic Blair Kamin about the article series, “Designed in Chicago, Made in China” that details the rapid urbanization of China and the role Chicago architects play in the expansion. View a slideshow of China's urbanization efforts.
“Sculpture Objects Functional Art” = Lots of Cool Stuff
SOFA CHICAGO is the exceptional art fair devoted to design, and this year marks its 20th anniversary. It fills Festival Hall at Navy Pier through Sunday.
Building a Safer Helmet
Could a better helmet hold the key to reducing the epidemic of sports-related brain injuries? Ash-har Quraishi talks with a team of university researchers who say it’s time for a new design. We revisit the story.
You can help decide the winner of Chicago’s 17th Annual City Vehicle Sticker Art Design Contest, honoring “Chicago’s Heroes.”