Look Up for Super Worm Moon Monday Night, First Supermoon of 2020

Super Worm Moon, photographed in March 2019. (Twelvizm / Flickr)Super Worm Moon, photographed in March 2019. (Twelvizm / Flickr)

If the cloud cover cooperates, Chicagoans will be treated to the year’s first supermoon Monday night.

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Supermoons occur when the timing of the full moon coincides with the point in the moon’s orbit when it’s closest to Earth (called “perigee”). The full moon appears brighter and slightly larger than usual at perigee. People will have two more chances to catch a Supermoon in 2020: April 7 and May 7.

Turns out, each month’s full moon has a nickname, drawn from Native American and colonial-era sources. March was dubbed the Worm Moon because one of the first signs of spring is the reappearnce of earthworms, and the robins that feast on them. Alternate names for the March Moon are Sap Moon, Crow Moon and Lenten Moon.

Contact Patty Wetli: @pattywetli | (773) 509-5623 |  [email protected] 

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