Stop! It's Ginger Time

Chicagoan Allegra Rosenberg, 17, has become a YouTube sensation, writing songs beloved by fans of Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock and other off-beat pop culture hits. “Stop! It’s Ginger Time” is the name of Allegra’s YouTube channel. Jay Shefsky explains that Allegra's success shows how social media is changing not only the way music is distributed, but also how teens with unusual passions make their way in the world. Watch Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm for a profile.

Below are two of Allegra’s YouTube videos. Say Hello is about an episode of Doctor Who written by the best-selling novelist Neil Gaiman.  When Gaiman saw her video, he tweeted:  "took me 3 years of scribbling & rewrites to make 45 minutes of Dr. Who, summed up in 2:29 by  a smart girl with a ukulele."  That brought her lots of new YouTube subscribers and a commission from BBC America.  


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This video, Obsessive, was commissioned by Rookie, a website for teenage girls. 



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