Prostate Cancer
One in six Black men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, according to the advocacy organization ZERO Prostate Cancer. Research from the American Cancer Society shows Black men are more than twice as likely to die from the disease than their White counterparts.
Ryne Sandberg, a Chicago Cubs legend and Hall of Famer, announced that he is battling metastatic prostate cancer.
While issues like a lack of access to consistent health care as well as language and cultural barriers contribute to those numbers, modern prostate cancer care approaches have evolved to make screening and treatment more successful than ever.
Should men undergo regular prostate cancer screenings? A new report says no. One of the leading proponents of the PSA test is here to tell us why he thinks the recommendation is dead wrong.
'Winning the Battle Against Prostate Cancer'
Treating prostate cancer may make matters worse. The controversial author of Winning the Battle Against Prostate Cancer tells us why.