
Federal prosecutors have released the proffer outlining their case against Rod Blagojevich. The sweeping allegations include a vast conspiracy involving the former governor, his brother, and their inner circle, including his wife Patti Blagojevich. Eddie Arruza and his panel take a closer look at the blueprint for the Blagojevich trial.

Eddie Arruza has the latest in the Blagojevich case as the former Governor goes to court.

Rod Blagojevich's former chief of staff pleaded guilty today to corruption charges and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in their case involving the former Governor. Elizabeth Brackett has the details.

Former Governor Rod Blagojevich will be allowed to compete on Donald Trump's reality show "Celebrity Apprentice." A federal judge asked today that his legal team and prosecutors discuss the terms of his appearance. Elizabeth Brackett has the details of what he may and may not be allowed to say on the reality show.

Although its' release date meant it wasn't supposed to hit the shelves until next week, the memoirs of former governor Rod Blagojevich appeared in select bookstores today. Elizabeth Brackett, author of the first Blagojevich book, explains what he writes about his filling of President Obama's Senate seat and more -- in four words, he says it's not his fault.

John Harris, Rod Blagojevich's one-time chief of staff, has turned against his former boss. Rich Samuels tells us what happened today when he appeared in court.

The former governor's request for permission to leave the country to participate in a reality show in Costa Rica was denied today in federal court. Rich Samuels has the latest on Rod Blagojevich's legal troubles.

Rod Blagojevich told a Federal judge today that he is not guilty. Rich Samuels shows us what else the former Illinois governor had to say on the day of his arraignment.

Blagojevich may be out of office, but he has never quite left the public eye. We look at how he has used local and national media to build his defense.

The much anticipated indictment of Rod Blagojevich was handed down this afternoon. Rich Samuels tells us what the former governor is charged with and why the indictment was revealed in such an unusual manner.

Blagojevich ended his boycott of the Senate's impeachment trial today when he delivered his closing thoughts to the Senate. Christian Farr has a look at the governor's remarks.

The governor's days on the job could be numbered. His trial before the Illinois State Senate begins Monday and some lawmakers say it might be over by next weekend. Rich Samuels has the latest on the impeachment trial, the governor's legal fight and the Illinois Reform Commision, which held its first session today.

Governor Rod Blagojevich presided over the swearing in of the new Illinois State Senate, the same body that will judge him for his impeachment trial in two weeks. Carol Marin joins us live from Springfield with the latest.

Christian Farr has the latest on the case against the governor. He tells us when the FBI wiretaps of Gov. Blagojevich could be released and how the governor's lawyers are working to get U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald removed from the case.

Eddie Arruza has the latest on Roland Burris as he travels to Washington, D.C. to try to be sworn in as the state's junior senator. He also takes a look at whether or not the federal court will grant U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald more time to file an indictment against the governor.