4th Ward

Lamont Robinson

"My experience and knowledge of the issues facing the community gives me a unique opportunity of being able to make a lot of positive changes affecting public safety, education and affordable housing."

Prentice C. Butler

"I am running to ensure the Fourth Ward has quality schools, increased public safety, and quality, affordable housing stock, and continued public transportation and infrastructure improvements."

5th Ward

Martina "Tina" Hone

"I believe my unique personal background will allow me to represent all of the 5th Ward effectively on day one. The 5th Ward is a diverse and complex ward. It is also a microcosm of the City. I embody that microcosm."

Desmon Yancy

"With years of community organizing experience, I understand what it takes to increase community engagement while developing and maintaining strategic relationships with community stakeholders."

6th Ward

Richard A. Wooten

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

William E. Hall

"The sixth ward is my home. It is the only home I know in Chicago. This is where I have lived all of my life. I see change coming. I want to be a part of it."

10th Ward

Peter Chico

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

Ana Guajardo

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

11th Ward

Anthony "Tony" Ciaravino

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

Nicole Lee, Incumbent

"I’m running to continue serving as the alderman of the 11th Ward because there is still so much to do. I’ve brought a fresh perspective to the office and have shown residents the kind of alderman I am and will continue to be if elected."

21st Ward

Cornell Dantzler

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

Ronnie L. Mosley

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

24th Ward

Monique L. Scott, Incumbent

"The 24th Ward is finally getting the city services and the economic development  it deserves.  Our community need a strong, transparent leader to serve with experience and a legacy of service to get the job done."

Creative Scott

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

29th Ward

Chris Taliaferro, Incumbent

"I have represented the residents of the 29th ward and city with integrity and a directed agenda to reduce violence in the 29th ward and economically develop the ward."

CB Johnson

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

30th Ward

Ruth Cruz

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

Jessica Gutiérrez

"We have an exciting opportunity for a newly drawn ward to finally have thoughtful, energetic and honest representation."

36th Ward

Leonor "Lori" Torres Whitt

"I am running to disrupt the status-quo “good ol' boy” network that uses public funds for personal gains and corporate donors. I want to establish a functional public service office that delivers high-quality public service to all."

Gilbert Villegas, Incumbent

"Although we have made great strides over the past few years, the matter of public safety and police intervention still needs to be addressed. Getting more properly trained and accountable police officers on the streets, as well as establishing more non-violence programs, will help reduce gun violence."

43rd Ward

Timmy Knudsen, Incumbent

"I am a strong advocate for more affordable housing in the city of Chicago and specifically in the 43rd Ward, in order to create a future where the teachers, waiters, nurses and other people who work in the ward can afford to live here too."

Brian C. Comer

Did not participate

Did not participate in the WTTW Voter Guide.

45th Ward

Megan Mathias

"Community relations with the current office has been eroded. The public lacks confidence in the office. I have a plan to bring back mechanisms to restore community input and participation."

James "Jim" Gardiner, Incumbent

"I am running again to build on projects and community partnerships that we have established to bring quality city services, economic growth and safe neighborhoods to the 45th Ward."

46th Ward

Angela Clay

"Growing up in this ward, and having family in the neighborhood for over 80 years, I come to the office of alderperson with existing deep relationships all across this ward and city and experience being a connector and navigating getting people the services they need."

Kim Walz

"The diversity of the 46th Ward is what makes it special. We need to ensure that as we keep moving the ward forward and growing that we don’t leave anyone behind."

48th Ward

Joe Dunne

"The preservation and creation of new permanent affordable housing has been my life’s work for the past 16 years. I have a deep understanding of what it takes to successfully finance, build, and maintain affordable housing." 

Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth

"When elected, I will be the first queer woman of color to represent the 48th ward, and the first Filipina elected to our city council. We are long overdue for an alderperson who represents the diversity of our ward."