About the Candidate

Name: Lamont Robinson
Date of Birth: Feb. 21, 1982
Occupation: State representative and small business owner
Political Experience: State representative for five years
Political Party: Democrat
Website: www.votelamontrobinson.com

Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

My entire career has revolved around being a servant. From being a college educator, a Director of a Youth Mentorship Program, a small business owner to currently being a State Representative, I've always strived to make a positive impact on people's lives and bring resources back into the community. My experience and knowledge of the issues facing the community gives me a unique opportunity of being able to make a lot of positive changes affecting public safety, education and affordable housing.

What does this office do well, and what needs fixing?

The office faces a shortage of resources, including insufficient funding for necessary expenses such as menu items and inadequate staffing due to budget constraints.

What is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?

Public Safety. My platform: Public Safety Lamont believes that everyone should feel safe in the place they call home and that a comprehensive public safety approach requires both immediate and long-term solutions.

As Alderman, Lamont will: Take strong action to address gun violence in our community by reopening the Office of Gun Violence Prevention in City Council, and implement on a local level, the anti-assault weapon and anti-ghost gun legislation Lamont recently helped pass in Springfield. Through these efforts, Lamont will work to target and disrupt the flow of illegal guns into our neighborhoods, and make our community a safer place for all.

Work to foster a culture of community policing by hosting regular town hall meetings with representatives from the State Police, Sheriff's Department, local police department, community leaders, and members of the public. These meetings will provide an opportunity for open dialogue, problem-solving and collaboration, and will help to build trust and understanding between law enforcement and community members. Continue to create safer neighborhoods. As a State Representative, Lamont allocated tens of millions of dollars within the Southside of Chicago to improve public safety. As Alderman, he'll implement a comprehensive approach that addresses crime reduction through infrastructure improvements, such as: increasing lighting to improve night time visibility to increase safety and cut back crime, addressing environmental factors that can contribute to crime, such as litter and debris, by implementing measures like regular street cleanings and tackling the problem of abandoned properties that can attract criminal activity.

Take decisive action to address the needs of individuals experiencing mental health crises by reopening public mental health clinics and fully supporting the Treatment Not Trauma Campaign. Through this expansion, crisis workers and paramedics will be better equipped to respond to non-violent 911 calls, helping police officers increase their response time and focus on their core mission of public safety.

Steadfastly work towards creating stronger and safer neighborhoods by actively promoting and facilitating the formation of block clubs, which serve as a vital link between community members and local law enforcement, promoting communication and collaboration, and increasing community engagement and participation in neighborhood safety initiatives. Take a proactive approach to crime prevention by addressing the underlying causes of violence and providing greater access to resources that support at-risk youth. This will include initiatives such as youth mentorship programs, before and after school programs, and partnerships with local businesses to provide job and skills training opportunities for young people.

By addressing the root causes of crime, we can create safer communities and improve the lives of all residents. Advocate for Mental Health Support for CPD to improve officer well-being to reduce the likelihood of officers becoming overwhelmed or excessively reactive in high-stress situations.

What specific steps would you take to ensure your office is accessible and responsive to your constituents?

I would hold regular town hall meetings to listen to the concerns of my constituents and provide updates on the work that my office is doing. I would establish a constituent services department and conduct regular surveys and questionnaires to gather feedback from my constituents and better understand their needs and concerns.I would ensure that my office responds to all inquiries and concerns in a timely manner and follow up with residents to ensure that their issues are resolved.

Do you believe in the tradition of aldermanic prerogative, which gives each City Council member the final say on issues in their ward?


Should the $1.9 billion budget for the Chicago Police Department increase, stay the same or decrease?

Stay the same.

Should the city raise the Real Estate Transfer Tax on properties sold for more than $1 million to fund programs to help unhoused Chicagoans?


Should the city open and operate mental health clinics to provide free care to Chicagoans?


How should Chicago build the 120,000 homes it needs for low- and moderate-income Chicagoans?

LaSalle Transfer Tax

What do you see as potential solutions to address the number of shootings in Chicago?

I would take strong action to address gun violence in our community by reopening the Office of Gun Violence Prevention in City Council, and implement on a local level, the anti-assault weapon and anti-ghost gun legislation I recently helped pass in Springfield. Through these efforts, I will work to target and disrupt the flow of illegal guns into our neighborhoods, and make our community a safer place for all. I would also take a proactive approach to crime prevention by addressing the underlying causes of violence and providing greater access to resources that support at-risk youth. This will include initiatives such as youth mentorship programs, before and after school programs, and partnerships with local businesses to provide job and skills training opportunities for young people. By addressing the root causes of crime, we can create safer communities and improve the lives of all residents.

Should Promontory Point be designated as a city landmark?


Should the city extend the Red Line south from 95th Street to 130th Street and use tax-increment financing from downtown wards to match an expected federal grant?
