RACE: U.S. House - 5th District

About the Candidate

Name: Mike Quigley
DOB: 1958
Occupation: U.S. Representative
Political Experience: U.S. House of Representatives, Cook County Board of Commissioners
Website: quigleyforcongress.com
Twitter: twitter.com/QuigleyCampaign
Facebook: facebook.com/QuigleyForCongress

Candidate Statement

Hi, I’m Congressman Mike Quigley.

It has been the honor of a lifetime to represent Illinois’ Fifth District in Congress.

As your representative, I’ve used my position on the Appropriations Committee to bring funding home to our community and ensure it’s targeted to where it’s needed most.

Next Congress, I’m poised to serve as the highest-ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, where I will ensure that our city gets the funding it needs to make our public transportation and housing development work for everyone.

Every weekend that I’m not in Washington, D.C., I’m back in Chicago meeting with people out in our neighborhoods and across the city.

In 2021 alone, my office helped over 4,000 constituents resolve issues with federal agencies, responded to more than 58,000 letters, and I attended over 116 community meetings.

That communication coupled with my understanding of the policy process means I am poised to continue delivering for the residents of the fifth district.

My position on the Intelligence Committee has also afforded me the opportunity to serve in a key oversight position of our national security apparatus, keeping not only Chicago but our entire nation safe.

I have also traveled throughout the world with the Intelligence Committee, meeting with our international partners and other world leaders because what happens across the world impacts us here at home.

The recent conflict in Ukraine has shown this more clearly than ever.

The invasion caused a global ripple effect that led to increased gas prices and significantly contributed to inflation.

I will continue to use my experience and my seat on the Committee to advocate for international policies that are in our community’s best interest.

As conservatives across the country chip away at abortion rights, we know that many Republicans plan to come after access to birth control, the right to marriage, and more civil rights in the coming years.

I will not cease in my fight to protect the rights of all my constituents – regardless of race, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

It has been the honor of a lifetime to represent Illinois’ Fifth District in Congress. As your representative, I have utilized my position on the Appropriations Committee to bring funding home to our community and ensure it is targeted to where it is needed most. Next Congress, I am poised to serve as the highest-ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, where I look forward to ensuring that our city gets the funding it needs to make our public transportation work for everyone and improve infrastructure across the country. My position on the Intelligence Committee has also afforded me the opportunity to serve in a key oversight position of our national security apparatus, keeping not only Chicago but our entire nation safe. I will continue to use my experience and my seat on the Committee to advocate for international policies that are in our community’s best interest.

What does this office do well, and what needs fixing?

I am incredibly proud of the service I have provided to my constituents since first being elected to this office and I am deeply committed to continuing that service in the future. Last year alone, my office responded to over 4,000 constituent inquiries. These include helping resolve problems with passport processing and mail delivery. In D.C., I have been able to continuously push federal money to Chicago through my role on the Appropriations Committee. In last year’s appropriations bill I secured over $10 million in Community Project Funding for the Chicagoland area and ensured government funding packages prioritize the needs of my district. Next Congress, I am poised to serve as highest ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, where I will be able to shine a much-needed light on the infrastructure and transportation needs of our state.

Sadly, public trust in government has never been lower. All members of Congress must work in good faith to move our country forward and show constituents that our democracy can continue to function. I am proud to be a co-founder of the Congressional Transparency Caucus because I believe Americans should be able to see how their government is working for them. Early this year, I was able to pass the Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act, which makes all Congressional Research Service reports accessible to the public. I’m proud of my work to bring transparency to the government and look forward to continuing to improve trust in our democratic institutions.

What is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?

Every weekend when I visit with my constituents at community meetings across the fifth district, I hear about their growing concerns about crime in Chicago. Reducing crime in Chicago - and across the nation - requires a comprehensive approach. First, we must ensure that the Department of Justice and local law enforcement have the resources they need to protect communities and prosecute criminals. We should also create new options for communities when a police response is not appropriate. As a member of Congress, I will continue to use my role on the Appropriations Committee to help get these resources to our city.

We cannot hope to appropriately address crime rates in our country unless we also address the prevalence of gun violence. I was proud to support historic gun violence prevention legislation in Congress this term. While this represented the first significant gun violence prevention in decades, it also fell far short of what I believe is necessary. Congress must pass an assault weapons ban and implement universal background checks to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

What specific steps would you take to ensure your office is accessible and responsive to your constituents?

Listening to and responding to my constituents is both one of my most important responsibilities and part of what helps me serve my district so well. Being out in the community routinely and listening to comments that are sent to my office helps ensure that the policies I champion in Congress serve the needs of my constituents effectively. Every letter that is sent to my office receives a response and every phone call is logged. Every weekend that I am not in Washington, D.C. working for my constituents, I am back in Chicago meeting with people out in our neighborhoods and across the city, whether by attending neighborhood association meetings, visiting senior homes, or talking with residents at farmer’s markets and local festivals. In 2021 alone, my office helped over 4,000 constituents resolve issues with federal agencies, responded to more than 58,000 letters, and I attended over 116 community meetings. That constant communication means that I am incredibly familiar with the needs of my constituents. Coupled with my familiarity and understanding of the policy process, I am poised to continue delivering for the residents of the fifth district and help ensure our country is on a strong path for the future.