About the Candidate
Name: Kimberly Neely Dubuclet
Occupation: MWRD Commissioner
Political Experience: Elected in November 2018 as MWRD Commissioner; Appointed to be Illinois State Representative District (26th) May 2011 to January 2013
Website: kim4water.com
Twitter: @Kim4Water
Candidate Statement
Hello. My name is Kim Neely DuBuclet and I am running for re election for commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.
The MWRD is THE most important agency that no one knows about! It affects all of us on a daily basis. Our agency is responsible for cleaning our waste water, protecting our fresh water supply, and helping to prevent flooding. I am running for this office to bring a voice of environmental conservation and a commitment to clean water to the board!
I grew up in a home on the far south side that frequently flooded during storms. I can remember what a burden that was on my family. Providing solutions to low-income communities that would reduce home flooding is a very personal cause for me. If re-elected, I plan to have the MWRD provide increased funding towards Green Infrastructure projects that will help to reduce storm water flows and flooding in our communities.
The MWRD should also continue to promote its community engagement and outreach efforts so residents are aware of how important it is for the public do small things to protect our environment and our water supply. If we all did things like capturing rain water in a rain barrel, or to not use appliances during rainstorms, these small but important efforts would keep excess water out of our water ways and out of your basement!
You should also know that the MWRD can also be a leader on renewable energy! We can capture organic matter and chemicals from our waste water and re-use them as fuel. HOW COOL IS THAT??
These are just a few of the things I will continue to work on if re elected as a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.
I hope I can earn your vote in the March 17th Democratic Primary. To learn more about my campaign and get involved, please visit my website at www.kim4water.com.
I look forward to meeting you out on the campaign trail!
Candidate Q&A
Why are you running?
The MWRD is the most important agency that no one knows about. It affects all of us on a daily basis. Our agency is responsible for cleaning our waste water, protecting our fresh water supply, and helping to prevent flooding. I am running for this office to bring a voice of environmental conservation and a commitment to clean water to the board. I grew up in a home that frequently flooded during big storms, and I can remember what a burden that was on my family. Another reason I am running is to help to provide solutions to low-income communities that reduce home flooding. This is a very personal cause for me.
And finally, as our city and region become more and more urbanized, and as we battle climate change, the proliferation of impervious surfaces needs to decrease and the utilization of Green Infrastructure should increase. I am running to insure that we continue to find viable alternatives like Green Infrastructure that can better accommodate excess water, which in turn, keeps it out of homes and basements.
What is your vision for this office?
As a member of the Board of Commissioners, it is my responsibility to help establish policies and procedures for protecting our fresh water supply for the residents of Cook County and to help facilitate community involvement in the policy making process. Given the lack of leadership at the Federal level regarding environmental issues, and the systematic dismantling of the Clean Water Act and other Federal environmental protection laws and regulations, I feel it is absolutely critical that we have strong local leadership to protect our communities from the dangerous policies being promulgated in Washington. As the agency is tasked with protecting Lake Michigan, which is the primary source of Cook County’s water supply, and as the second largest landowner in the County, MWRD has the ability to play a key role in protecting our health and our natural heritage.
What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?
Flooding and Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) are the most pressing issues facing the residents of Cook County. Climate change has led to more frequent storm events and heavier rains in the region which can lead to more frequent CSO which pollute our waterways with untreated sewage and sewer backups into homes and businesses. In order to be effective and efficient in facing this challenge, a multifaceted approach is needed that includes both residents and local governments working together to address. If re-elected to the MWRD board, I plan to have the MWRD provide increased funding towards implementation of its Green Infrastructure plan to reduce storm water flows in our communities.
Next, I would support efforts to provide tax credits or rebates for the use of green infrastructure, including permeable pavement, when permits for development or redevelopment are sought under its Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO).
Lastly, the MWRD should also continue to promote its community engagement and outreach efforts so residents are aware of how important it is for the public do small things to protect our environment and our water supply. If we all did things like capturing rain water in a rain barrel, or to not use appliances during rainstorms, these small but important efforts would keep excess water out of our water ways and out of residents basements.