Special Section

2020 Voter Guide

General Election

About the Candidate

Name: Mike Quigley
DOB: Oct. 17, 1958
Occupation: Member of Congress; Lawyer
Political Experience: Over 37 years of community engagement including successful elections to the Cook County Board of Commissioners (3 times) and U.S. House of Representatives (6 times)
Website: quigley.house.gov
Twitter: @repmikequigley

Candidate Statement

Hello. I'm Mike Quigley and I would appreciate your vote on March 17th for Congress in the 5th District.

In 2016, as a member of the House Committee on Intelligence, I was one of the first members of Congress briefed on the Russian's efforts to interfere in our election. In fact, they hacked our own state election files here in Illinois before any other state.

Since then, I've fought every day to get the full truth about Russian interference in 2016 and to hold this administration accountable for everything it is still doing today to prevent Congress from learning what really happened.

I have led the charge to make sure states have access to enough funding to defend our democracy from both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

I have also led and supported legislation in the House to increase transparency so this administration cannot continue to hide their actions from the American people.

I am asking for your support so that I can go back to Congress and finish the job. This is the most important investigation of our life, even more important than Watergate. What we do now will shape our relationship with the world for years to come.

Thanks to this administration's attacks on the integrity and commitment to the rule of law that has defined our nation for a century, we have lost our standing in the eyes of our allies, putting our national security at risk. We must repair our reputation on the international stage if we want to keep our country safe.

Beyond restoring our standing in the world, I want to restore our communities right here in Illinois. As Illinois' most senior Appropriations Committee member in the House, I want to make sure we have the funds to rebuild our public transit system, kick start our transition to a green economy, and provide our community with the resources it needs to create good-paying jobs across our state.

You can learn more about our campaign on QuigleyforCongress.com. I would be honored to have your vote.

Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

It has been an honor to represent the people of the fifth district, and I am running again this term to build on the progress we’ve made and to finish the job. As a Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I’ve had the opportunity to see up close the consequences of an unchecked president. My involvement in the Russia Investigation and Impeachment Inquiry has only underscored the critical need for transparency, accountability and honest government. Over the past year, my work in Congress has reinforced these guiding principles. Government can do good things for people, and I am running to give voice to the issues our district cares about the most.

What is your vision for this office?

As a Member of Congress, my top priority is providing constituents with reliable and timely services. When a person or family is facing a challenging federal issue, our office has a responsibility to act as advocates, to help cut through government bureaucracy or to craft policies that can improve people’s lives. I’m also in a strong position in Washington, D.C. to impact federal spending and policy matters.

As a subcommittee chairman on the House Appropriations Committee, I have the opportunity to shape federal spending and fight for every dollar our district needs and deserves. And as a member of the Intelligence Committee, I’m fighting to hold accountable an administration that does not respect the checks and balances established by our founders. When I reflect on my time in the House of Representatives, I am proud of my record and I look forward to continuing this important work.

What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?

Climate change is an unprecedented threat that is impacting our environment, food production, transportation, housing, immigration and our national security. Urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a resilient, low carbon economy. We must invest in the research and development of the new and improved technologies that will be needed to reduce emissions in line with what science demands. This includes increased investments and incentives that will spur more renewable energy production and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Ultimately, we must enact bold policies that will accelerate the decarbonization of our power and transportation sectors and start accounting for the astronomical costs of carbon pollution on society. An economy-wide price on carbon would be an effective policy to catalyze this transition.