About the Candidate
Name: Philanise White
DOB: Feb. 25, 1971
Occupation: Renal Technician And Small Business Owner 7th Ward Chicago, Republican Committeewoman; President of Great Lakes Illinois Republican Women;
Political Experience: Co-Director of Black Outreach And Engagement for Trump/Pence 2016; Ben Carson for President Campaign; Office Manager Greg Mitchell for Alderman 2015.
Website: philaniseforcongress.com
Twitter: @Philaniseforco1
Candidate Statement
Hello. I’m Philanise White, candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 1st congressional district.
This great district is made up of unique and diverse communities.
From the urban areas up north, to the rural landscape south; our goals are the same.
Whether you lean right, left, or somewhere in between,
We all agree we want a strong economy,
Great educational options for our children,
Protection of our constitutional rights,
And a sound infrastructure, so our families can travel safely throughout the district.
Just like the Illinois pioneers of the past:
Ida B. Wells,
Oscar De Priest
And Everett Dirksen,
I plan to be the pioneer now, and for the future.
I’m Philanise White asking for your vote to give you a new choice, a better way!
Candidate Q&A
Why are you running?
I'm running to bring much needed programs and economic development to parts of the District that's been neglected.
What is your vision for this office?
My vision for the office of 1st Congressional District is to increase economic development across the District, especially in blighted areas such as Posen, Robbins and Dixmoor, where jobs opportunities are scarce and crime is high.
What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?
The most pressing issues facing my constituents is the infrastructure. How I plan to address is by:
Meeting with the constituents to identify what and where the immediate needs are,
Meet with the elected Illinois officials on both sides of the aisle and on all levels of government to draft a plan of action based on the feedback of the constituents. And to determine how we will work together to find the solutions on time and within budget.
Introduce a Bill in Congress to implement the plan with bi-partisan support.