Special Section

2020 Voter Guide

General Election


About the Candidate

Name: Brad Schneider
DOB: Aug. 20, 1961
Occupation: Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Political Experience: Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Website: Schneiderforcongress.com
Twitter: @Schneider4IL10

Candidate Statement

Hi, I’m Brad Schneider.

The United States is dealing with some of the largest crises we have ever confronted: a pandemic that has already infected almost 7 million and taken the lives of nearly 200,000, the consequent economic devastation, historic racial tensions, and the immediate impacts, and the long-term existential threat of climate change. We need serious leadership for Illinois and for America that can steadfastly navigate these to a better future.

In my role as Representative, I have focused on the needs of Illinois 10th District. I have held hundreds of outreach meetings in the district. I’ve visited countless local businesses and hosted many job fairs, health care fairs and other informational programs. Even with the pandemic, I continue to connect through Zoom and Facebook Live events to help people. I’m working hard to hear and listen to my neighbors and fellow leaders in our communities, and they know they can count on me to fight for them.

I know my district and the people here know me. They call me when they have concerns. They call when they can’t afford their prescription drugs or when their medicines are coming late in the mail. They call when they need help with social security, or Medicare, or when dealing with the VA, or simply when they need an expedited passport.

But I also know their stories, their priorities, aspirations and challenges. And I am working to help them through this pandemic.

I helped pass the CARES Act and, with my team, did all we could to help our small businesses get the forgivable PPP loans to get through this crisis. I was pleased that we were able to protect more than 92,000 jobs in our district.

And more than just PPP, I have helped provide assistance for health care workers and hospitals, nursing homes, teachers, firefighters, and other frontline heroes and essential workers. And I continue to fight to restore the SALT deduction in full.

So again, I know the values, priorities and interests of our district. I’ve proven willing to stand up to the Trump Administration when they are wrong, while at the same time showing independence by working across the aisle to find bipartisan solutions to our problems. And that’s why I’m asking for your vote.

Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

There are obvious periods of history that stand out for their extraordinary challenges that have tested the world. I think there’s no doubt we are in the midst of one of those moments, especially for America. Today, the United States is dealing with some of the largest crises we have ever confronted: a pandemic that has already infected almost 6 million and taken the lives of 200,000, the consequent economic devastation leaving tens of millions out of work, historic racial tensions, and the immediate impacts, and the long-term existential threat of climate change. And this list doesn’t even even address challenges like health care, gun violence and domestic terrorism. We need serious leadership for Illinois and for America that can steadfastly navigate these to a better future.

In this current 116th Congress I have continued to focus on the needs of Illinois 10th District while also increasing my leadership responsibilities in the House as a whole. Locally, over the years, I have held hundreds of outreach meetings in the district. I’ve visited countless local businesses and hosted many job fairs, health care fairs and other informational forums. Even with the pandemic, I continue to connect through Zoom and Facebook Live events to help people. I’m working hard to hear and listen to my neighbors and fellow leaders in our communities, and they know they can count on me to fight for them.

As you know, this has been my community for almost thirty years, and my wife was born here. We’ve created our home in the 10th, we built our career here, most importantly we raised our kids here. 

I believe I have served our district, state and nation well for much of the past decade and I look forward to continuing my work in the 117th Congress. I am asking for your vote.

What is your vision for this office?

We are dealing with concurrent unprecedented crises and need serious leadership that can steadfastly navigate challenges.

I have focused on the needs of Illinois’ 10th District. I’ve held hundreds of town halls and outreach meetings, visited local businesses and hosted job fairs, health care fairs and other informational programs. Even with the pandemic, I continue to connect through Zoom and Facebook Live events. I’m working hard to hear the concerns and priorities of my neighbors and fellow leaders in our communities, and they know they can count on me to fight for them.

I helped pass the CARES Act and, with my team, did all we could to help our small businesses get the forgivable PPP loans to get through this crisis. I was pleased that we were able to protect 92,000 jobs in my district.

More than just PPP, I have helped provide assistance for health care workers and hospitals, nursing homes, teachers, firefighters, and other frontline heroes. And I continue to fight to restore the SALT deduction in full something that will save families in this district thousands of dollars in taxes.

I know the values, priorities and interests of our district. I’ve proven willing to stand up to the Trump
Administration when they are wrong, while at the same time showing independence by working with both parties to find bipartisan solutions to our problems. And I’m asking Illinois voters to send me back for two more years to keep up that fight.

What do you think is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?

Before we can do anything else, we must beat back the virus to restore our nation to health and renew our economy to get people back to work. 

My primary goal as a Member of Congress has always been to ensure our economy is growing in a way that helps all Americans, not just those at the top. When our economic trajectory is positive, solving the myriad challenges we face becomes more achievable, from providing access to quality affordable health care to all Americans and protecting Social Security and Medicare to finally passing comprehensive immigration reform and addressing global climate change.

Second, we must deal with the existential threat of climate change. I helped introduce legislation that will get the U.S. to net‐zero emissions by 2050, and will continue to work at every step to address climate change.

On a personal level, gun violence is an extremely important topic to me. I was named after a great uncle who was killed by a gunman. When first taking office in 2013, I met some of the parents of children murdered in Newtown. In 2018, I’ve met student survivors of Parkland. I have personally taken on the NRA in Congress, challenging their non‐profit status, and fighting to have the organization dissolved. There are commonsense solutions supported by the vast majority of Americans that would save lives, and I will continue to push my colleagues to find the political courage necessary to pass gun safety legislation.