About the Candidate

Name: Robert Palmer
Date of Birth: 1960
Occupation: Teacher for CPS
Political Experience: LSC
Political Party: Nonpartisan
Website: friendsofrobertpalmer.com

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Candidate Q&A

Why are you running?

Betterment of the ward and to include those that have been locked out in the decision-making.

What does this office do well, and what needs fixing?

Does well to vote on bills. Doesn't do well on inclusion in decision of locked out citizens.

What is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?


What specific steps would you take to ensure your office is accessible and responsive to your constituents?

I want more of a round table consensus to include all citizens of the ward.

Do you believe in the tradition of aldermanic prerogative, which gives each City Council member the final say on issues in their ward?

In some instances, but I would like to include the citizens of the ward in decision making.

Should the $1.9 billion budget for the Chicago Police Department increase, stay the same or decrease?


Should the city raise the Real Estate Transfer Tax on properties sold for more than $1 million to fund programs to help unhoused Chicagoans?


Should the city open and operate mental health clinics to provide free care to Chicagoans?


How should Chicago build the 120,000 homes it needs for low- and moderate-income Chicagoans?

On vacant lots, rehab buildings, and set asides for affordable housing.

What do you see as potential solutions to address the number of shootings in Chicago?

Community policing, violence interrupters and mentorship programs.

Should Promontory Point be designated as a city landmark?


Should city officials put protections in place to prevent gentrification spurred by the Obama Presidential Center in South Shore?


Should city officials do more to protect trees in Jackson Park from being uprooted?


What steps should the city take to prevent Chicago’s shoreline from eroding further?

Updated the limestone