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About the Candidate
Name: R. Cary Capparelli
Occupation: Instructor in Geography (online) at South Dakota State University and President of OMNI-Communique (a global management and marketing entity)
Political Experience: Past Member-Illinois International Port District (governor appointed), 2000-2009; Chairman of the Legislative Committee, Chairman of the Marketing Committee, Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee, Member of the Executive Committee; Past Public Member-Illinois Banking and Real Estate Board (governor appointed), 1997-1999
Facebook: R. Cary Capparelli for MWRDGC
Candidate Statement
Candidate Q&A
Why are you running?
The MWRD Board is multiplied by mostly unqualified ‘machine’ Democrats for the last fifty (50) years without a check and balance system. Now, there is an immediate need for competent representation to limit ‘machine politics’ to create a better and more effective agency.
What does this office do well, and what needs fixing?
The MWRD collects taxpayer’s money and spending that money well. The agency needs to better manage how it spends that money to make its mission ‘cost-effective.’
What is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?
For the most part, the agency operates below the ‘water.’ Most constituents have no idea what the MWRD is. If elected, one priority is debate the poor spending habits of the Democrats to make the agency more accountable.
What specific steps would you take to ensure your office is accessible and responsive to your constituents?
After a long (and successful) career in the private sector, I understand the demand for good service. Again, if elected, I will strongly represent the financial considerations of the taxpayers and open to the public's suggestions to be more fiscally responsible.