About the Candidate
Name: Dan Brady
DOB: July 4, 1961
Occupation: State Representative – 105th District
Political Experience: McLean County Coroner, State Representative
Website: www.votedanbrady.com
Twitter: @votedanbrady
Facebook: facebook.com/vote4danbrady
Instagram: @ votedanbrady
Candidate Statement
Hello, I’m Dan Brady and I am running for Secretary of State to make government work for you. For too long Illinois has been run by politicians who put special interests over the people of Illinois, but not me. I have dedicated my life to serving the people of Illinois as McLean County Corner and State Representative. During my time in Springfield, I’ve taken on and fought corruption, fought to lower taxes, fund our schools, and supported law enforcement. Now I want to serve you as your next Secretary of State.
As Secretary of State, one of my top priorities will be reducing wait times at the DMV, there is no reason why you should have to wait in line for hours just to renew your license or get a new sticker. We need to modernize the office to make it more efficient and effective. As Secretary of State, I will focus on partnering with the brightest innovators and technology experts this state has to offer. Working with them will allow us to develop and implement new technology and innovative services that streamline the processes and reduce wait times.
But the Secretary of State’s office is more than just the DMV, it deals with business filings, organ and tissue donation, the office registers lobbyists, and the Secretary of State is also the Chief librarian in Illinois. The office is also responsible for overseeing the capital police and the Secretary of State Police, which deals with motor vehicle crimes. With crimes such as carjackings on the rise, we need to deploy all our public safety resources to fight crime. As Secretary of State, I’ll support law enforcement and allow the Secretary of State Police to do what they do best - fight back against crime.
I’m Dan Brady and I’m running for Secretary of State to make government work for you, I ask for your vote on June 28th.
Candidate Q&A
Why are you running?
I am running to make the Secretary of State’s office more customer friendly and to allow people to have a pleasant experience. The Secretary of State’s office touches the lives of more Illinois residents than any other office in state government. My campaign platform outlines my ideas for improvements in the office as well as cutting through the red tape to reduce wait times and improve services.
What does this office do well, and what needs fixing?
I have many ideas for improving the office. I would cut wait times in DMV facilities, improve technology, streamline services, cross train employees, and offer more online options. These are necessary changes that need to be made to enhance the services that the Secretary of State’s office provides.
What is the most pressing issue facing your constituents and how do you plan on addressing it?
The need to improve technology and online options is crucial. I would also like to explore a partnership with our community college systems across the state. I would look into lease options within these campuses that would provide more flexibility for customers seeking Secretary of State services. Community colleges already offer the technology and public transportation that would help make customer service more accessible to all Illinoisans.
What specific steps would you take to ensure your office is accessible and responsive to your constituents?
I would have a hands-on approach in running the office. Being accessible in the field and at facilities and providing services is a way to begin. Meeting with employees to receive their input on making the offices more service friendly and ensuring that they are properly trained will increase efficiency. The office also needs a complete technology overhaul. Most of all, I would be the leader and agent of change that the office needs.