Candidate for Mayor of Chicago

Additional Coverage from WTTW News

About the Candidate

Name: La Shawn K. Ford
DOB: Feb. 28, 1972
Family: One daughter, Tia
Occupation: Illinois State Representative (8th District) and real estate investor
Political Experience: (above)

Candidate Statement

Hello. I’m State Representative La Shawn Ford and I’m running for Mayor of the City of Chicago. I was born in the Cabrini Green housing project, adopted by my grandmother, and raised in the West Side’s Austin community. My family instilled in me hard work, initiative, and perseverance. As a result, I became the first in my family to graduate college. I’ve taught for Chicago Public Schools, am a realtor, and launched a successful real estate firm.

In spite of my success, I was acutely aware of the social, economic, educational, and political problems that adversely impacted disenfranchised communities in Chicago. Too many were left behind. I felt strongly that with the right leadership, we could develop a system that worked for everyone. That’s what made me run for office. I made three self-funded attempts against the democratic machine. Despite the odds against me, I was successfully elected in 2006 to represent the 8th legislative district.    

Chicago must turn the page on corruption and begin to heal a broken city.

I am running for mayor because I want to do more, and with your help, we can do more. I understand the needs of the city. I believe that the people of Chicago have the answers to solve problems in their communities. We need all hands on deck to create a Chicago that works for ALL.

I invite you to partner with me in a movement fueled by people to make Chicago one of the greatest cities to live in. We’ll work to:

-Cultivate a thriving, inclusive, fair economy for ALL

-Improve equity in education so that every child has access to quality education

-Build safer communities

-Improve healthcare and quality of life, and

-Demand transparency, equity and accountability of city leaders

Let’s come together as one Chicago, powered by people.

Candidate Q&A

What is your vision for this office?

My vision for this office is to make Chicago a more inclusive city, where we all thrive together. I want the people of Chicago to have a seat at the table so that our beloved city, and all its residents, will be financially stable, healthy, and safe.

What is the most pressing issue facing constituents, and how can you help address it?

What is the most pressing issue facing constituents, and how can you help address it?

Chicago is home to the most diversified economy in the U.S., a key player in every sector from risk management innovation, manufacturing and information technology to health services. Our $600+ billion economy rivals that of nations. We are the 21st largest economy in the world. Chicago accounts for one-fifth (20%) of the world’s global derivatives trading market; that’s twice that of New York (10%) and matching all European exchanges combined (20%). Chicago-based exchanges generated 4.9 billion in annual global derivatives trading volume with a national value of more than one quadrillion in 2017. Despite this powerful, thriving economic base, many Chicago communities suffer from high unemployment rates, violence, and poor quality of life.

As the mayor, the single and most important thing I will do is develop an inclusive economy, one that connects all 77 communities to Chicago’s powerful business sector. My plan to achieve this goal is to:

  1. Establish Chicago as an advanced manufacturing hub and leader in green technology
  2. Create a connected workforce by developing the technical skills of Chicago residents
  3. Establish a social investment fund to promote community entrepreneurship
  4. Eliminate current fee structures that financially burden city residents (e.g. red light cameras, boots, and high/disproportionate property taxes)
  5. Collaborate with state and federal government to increase the amount of returning federal dollars, growing the city’s revenue base without increasing taxes

La Shawn K. Ford on the Issues






