Special Section

2019 Chicago Voters' Guide

Candidate for Chicago City Council

About the Candidate

Name: Dwayne Truss
DOB: Sept. 15, 1963
Family: Married to wife Cata Truss for 32 years. Five sons: Allen (deceased), Dwayne, Marcus, Malcolm and Matthew. I have eight grandchildren.
Occupation: Attorney and small business owner
Political Experience: First time candidate. I began organizing in 1982 as a North side organizer for Mayor Harold Washington when I was a student at Northeastern Illinois University and I have not stopped. I have volunteered for numerous progressive candidates and organizations over the decades because I believe in empowering people.
Website: trustdwaynetruss.com

Candidate Statement

Hello. My name is Dwayne Truss. As candidate for 29th Ward Alderman, I offer voters an opportunity to vote for a true public servant. I have been a consistent, driving force in the 29th Ward and Chicago for over 30 years. Issues like workforce development, transparency and equitable ward services remain problematic, due to the questionable leadership and practices of the current administration.

I am one of seven children raised by a single mother who instilled the importance of education and community service in me. Because of what she taught me, I attended and graduated from Northeastern Illinois University in 1985. I met my wife, Cata, while attending Northeastern. Together we raised five sons in Austin - four are college graduates.

An alderman should be a collaborator with both government entities and the public. As a citizen, I’ve collaborated with elected officials and CPS on endeavors such as the renovation of Austin High School, the new construction of Westinghouse High School, the renovation of Rockne Stadium, and capital improvements to Austin area parks. I serve as a member of a number of community organizations including Austin Coming Together, founder of and a coach within Austin Youth League, and awarded for my civic work by organizations like LISC and Friends of the Park.

I led the petition drive twice in the 29th Ward to place the advisory referendum question of an elected school board before the voters.

The well being of senior citizens is important to me. That's why I will have a staff person dedicated to senior services.

I have and will continue to support initiatives and legislation that advocate for a livable wage.

I encourage voters to do additional research. You will see how I will continue to foster relationships that will promote a city government that works for all of us. I may be a first time candidate, but I’ve always been your neighbor and an advocate for the 29th Ward. That won’t change. That’s why I need your support.

Candidate Q&A

What is your vision for this office?

My vision is to make our families and community stronger through transparent leadership which engages the entire 29th Ward. The 29th Ward is becoming both racially and economically diverse. My goal is to support areas of the ward doing well and uplift areas of the ward that have challenges.

What is the most pressing issue facing constituents, and how can you help address it?

The most pressing issue facing a significant portion of 29th Ward constituents is obtaining good paying jobs. Jobs paying livable wages are the most effective crime fighting tool and drives economic development. I have and I will continue to advocate for vocational and training programs (to be house at existing schools or closed schools) available to students during the day, and adults and transitional young adults during the evening.